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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
2 years ago

Password becomes Login

In the desktop application, I select Vault (e.g. Test) and then select Category (e.g. Login). Now I click New Item and select Password from the list - fill in the username and password and click Save. The newly created Item will be of type Login and not the expected Password. Why?
Doing the same from the web app works fine.

The second thing:
Item Password on the desktop has fields: username, password
Item Password on the web application has a field: password

Am I doing something wrong?

1Password Version: 1Password for Windows 8.10.4 (81004032)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ FireFox

  • 1P_Gem's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hi @EMILjo, thanks so much for the additional feedback here 😄 I've passed this along to our product team as well.

    If you have any further feedback or questions, don't hesitate to reach back out!

    ref: 32551347

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    These can't be changed after the fact,

    and this is not good ;)

    You can add as many tags to an item as you would like, and you can also add nested tags using a / ( for example Main tag/Nested tag) to provide more of an organizational structure.

    You should underline this on:

    I've gone ahead and filed this as a feature request with our product team on your behalf.

    I really appreciate and would love this functionality.

    I was very interested in the option with these tags - I'll test it again.

    I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, let us know 😄

    Thank you very much.
    P.S. I'm waiting for the folders in the vaults :)

  • 1P_Gem's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hi @EMILjo, thanks for the detailed explanation here!

    It's possible that I haven't learned how to properly handle 1P or the idea behind categories and tags yet

    Categories are the template used during the initial creation of an item. These can't be changed after the fact, except in the case of Password items turning to Logins when a username is added. As such, they're mostly helpful when you'd like to view and locate items based on their type, for example to see all of your stored Credit Card items.

    In comparison, Tags serve as a method of labelling your items to help you organize and locate them in a way that works best for you. You can add as many tags to an item as you would like, and you can also add nested tags using a / ( for example Main tag/Nested tag) to provide more of an organizational structure.

    At the moment I click on a given Tag and it shows ALL items from ALL Vaults. How is this going to make my search easier? How to click through and show all items that have a given Tag, are in a given Category and are in a given Vault?

    To narrow down your search by tag, category, and vault, you can make use of the relevant search filters (such as =tag:Banking =category:Credit Cards =vault:Personal), followed by Ctrl + Enter to show all matching items. You can learn more about this in the support guide below:

    In the model you propose, I do not know how to use Collections.

    Collections provide a way to group a specific set of your vaults together. While a collection is selected in the app, you'll only see items from these vaults. This can be useful in situations where a user would like to see different sets of items depending on their current situation. For example, a user may have several work-related vaults, and several personal vaults. In this case, creating a Work collection and a Personal collection would enable them to view only work-related items while at work, and then switch to their personal collection to view only personal items after work hours.

    However, in addition to the above organizational methods, I can definitely understand how adding more of a folder-type structure within vaults would be helpful and more intuitive for organizational purposes. I've gone ahead and filed this as a feature request with our product team on your behalf.

    I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions, let us know 😄

    ref: 32551347

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    While 1Password does not use a folder structure, adding all of your items to the personal or shared vaults and sorting by category, and organizing with favorites/tags is your best bet.

    I like 1Password but "folders" are better than "categories".

    It's possible that I haven't learned how to properly handle 1P or the idea behind categories and tags yet, but somehow it's easier for me to imagine a division into folders (which accompany us in many aspects of life) than into categories and tags. I just miss at least one more level of nesting.
    For example:
    Level 1 - Vault - Division into clients
    Level 2 - Categories - Data type division (IMHO 1Password works best with its own categories if the data types are large to find passwords as quickly as possible).
    I miss a level between 1 and 2 here, so as to add a "folder" grouping e.g. all devices of the "printer" type.

    In the model you propose, I do not know how to use Collections.

    Tags would be better if you could select several (but more on that below) and not just one, then I can achieve:
    Level 1 - Vault - Division into clients
    Level 2 - Categories - Breakdown by data type - e.g. own type: Servers
    I can additionally filter with tags:
    - tag: NAS - device type
    - tag: Server room office - location
    I have 3 devices left

    It's hard for me to switch to the way of thinking proposed by all popular password storage programs, but I try. Own templates for Categories saved 1Password from being deleted from my list :)

    Tags - preferably, if they work on the principle that after clicking on:
    - All Items - shows all tags from all Items
    - Collections - available in elements belonging to a given collection
    - Vaults - shows only tags available in this Vaults
    - Categories - shows only tags available in these Categories
    Everything is done on the basis of inheritance from a given Item, which is in a given Category and Vault or Collection

    At the moment I click on a given Tag and it shows ALL items from ALL Vaults. How is this going to make my search easier? How to click through and show all items that have a given Tag, are in a given Category and are in a given Vault?

    It was supposed to be short and turned out to be very long.

  • ag_mike_d's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hi @EMILjo,

    This is intended behaviour.

    In 1Password, any item that contains both a username and password, are considered Login items and sorted categorically as such. If you need to save an item that has no need for a username (such as for a security gate) and only contains a password (or PIN code), creating a new Password item is the best item type to use in these cases. You can then sort and find those specific items by the password category.

    While 1Password does not use a folder structure, adding all of your items to the personal or shared vaults and sorting by category, and organizing with favorites/tags is your best bet.

    If you need any further assistance, just let us know!

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    It makes a bit of a mess. I use Vaults to sort data per location and Categories to select the types of data I will be looking for. If Categories can be this and then this, I lose this one step and 1Password does not give me the ability to create folders to better arrange data in a structure that is closer to my understanding.
    Is the reported item an intended feature or a bug?

  • ag_mike_d's avatar
    Icon for 1Password Team rank1Password Team

    Hello @EMILjo,

    Thanks for your message. You're not doing wrong here.

    Items with both a username and password fields are considered Login items and when creating a new password item with only a password, the item will remain as such until you add a username, which automatically converts the item to a Login.

    1Password item categories - Passwords works differently as you've noticed. By default, creating a new password item only contains the password field. Editing that item in the app and adding a username, will convert it to a Login.

    I hope this information helps, but please let us know if we can be of further assistance.