I need help, and been unable to get it.
If I can't get the help I need, please cancel my account!. Problem 1: I have been getting frequent requests for psswords that I am certain are saved in 1Passwords. I believe that I am doing something wrong, but can't identify my error. One example that recently occured: I asked a question, that you said the answer was just sent to my gmail (or email) account, but I couldnt get into that account without a password. Weird, and very troublesome. Please help me, as I do love the objectives you are working on, and would like to take advantage of the pssword saving.__
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
thank you in advance for your prompt answer to my request.
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I replied to your other thread: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/101185/frequent-loss-of-email-account-at-yahoo-com#latest
To avoid duplicating efforts please avoid posting about the same issue in multiple places. There are lots of folks waiting for help, and posting multiple times about your issue slows down the support process for everyone (including you). Thanks for your consideration. I'm going to close this thread. If you have further on this issue let's please discuss it in the other thread.Thanks.