Wrong item count on Windows 10

Upgraded from 1PW4 to 1PW7 (family subscription). My MAC/iPad/iPhone all correctly show 1,532 items. My windows machines both show 87 items. New items created on Windows sync and appear correctly to my Apple products, and vice-versa. Also, my 1Password.opvault files are the same sizes on my Windows and Apple devices.

How can I see all of my 1PW items on my windows machines?

1Password Version: 7.3.657
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10 Pro
Sync Type: dropbox


  • Hi @TucsonTom2,

    Thanks for reporting this.

    Can you make a tiny change to one of the missing Windows items in the macOS or iOS version version of 1Password and tell me what happens?

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    New items created on Windows sync and appear correctly to my Apple products, and vice-versa. Also, my 1Password.opvault files are the same sizes on my Windows and Apple devices.

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    When I change a missing item on 1PW for my Mac, it appears in 1PW for Windows immediately.

  • Hi @TucsonTom2,

    The missing items, are they all older than 2015?

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    I don't know. I have nearly 1400 of them so it would take to long to check them all. Hopefully I won't need to do that.

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    No, there are missing items created after 2015. I also have some non-missing items modified as far back as 2009.

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member
    edited February 2019

    Can you just call me, Matt? This is taking way too long. I'm sure we can fix it quickly over the phone. [phone number redacted]. Or I can call you if you want.

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    Can someone please help me? I use 1Password for everything and it's very inconvenient to not have it on my windows machine. The Team Member who started helping seems to have given up. Please, someone, help me get this problem fixed!

  • Greg
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2019

    Hi @TucsonTom2,

    I am sorry for these ongoing troubles with 1Password! Please note that this is a public forum, so I removed your phone number from your post above. The thing is that we are experiencing a surge in support requests at the moment and our small support team is doing their best to catch up. For this very reason we are unable to provide a phone support now, but we will do my best to help you via email.

    I understand that you are able to see all of your data in 1Password on your Mac. That is why I'd like to ask you to create to Diagnostics Reports: from your Mac, where you have your data, and from your Windows PC, where your data is missing. Here is how you can do that:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports

    Please send them to support@1password.com and add the following Support ID (including the square brackets) to the subject of your diagnostics emails before sending:


    If you’re reading this and you are not TucsonTom2, _this Support ID is for TucsonTom2 only_. Please ask us for your own if you also need help.

    This will link it to our current conversation. Once we see it we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!


    ref: MXB-12875-215

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    Email with diagnostics reports sent at 8:40am MST.

  • I found your e-mail, @TucsonTom2, but I didn't see your diagnostics were attached. That said, I think we can get a good start on this without. Could you give this a try for me:

    1. Locate your original Agile Keychain. It'll be named something similar to 1password.legacyagilekeychain now. Rename that folder back to 1password.agilekeychain.
    2. Open and unlock 1Password 7 for Windows, then choose 1Password > New vault on this PC to create a new standalone vault.
    3. Give your vault a name, choose a password for it (in this one case, I recommend re-using your Master Password), choose a folder to sync it to, then click continue. The folder you sync to can be anywhere on your PC for now, but I'd recommend somewhere local only for the moment rather than on your chosen sync service. We can get this vault syncing to your other devices again once we know this worked for you.
    4. Once you've created the new vault, choose 1Password > Import and click the "Agile Keychain or OPVault folder" option.
    5. Click "select a folder" and navigate to the Agile Keychain you renamed in step 1, then click "Select folder" in the Explorer window.
    6. Enter your vault password (the Master Password you used to unlock 1Password 4), the choose the new vault you just created from the dropdown below "Choose a vault to import into", and click Import.

    This should import your vault properly. Take a look around and check that all items are there. Assuming all is well, let me know how you normally sync your data (Dropbox, etc.) and we'll make sure this is the vault that's syncing between your devices. I found your e-mail earlier, so I've added myself to that conversation as well. If you prefer to continue via e-mail, feel free to reply to the auto-reply you received when you e-mailed us and that will come to me as well. :+1:

    ref: WAL-43554-423

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    I'm replying here because I have 3 different support IDs for this topic and I don't know which one to use. Anyway, I followed your instructions and I now have a local Windows vault on my Windows machine that appears to have all of my 1Password items. In the past I've synced with Dropbox and it always worked well. Can you help me set this up so all of my machines sync properly? Thanks.

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    Thanks, @bundtkate it worked. If you can help me sync to Dropbox I think I'll be back in business.

  • Absolutely, @TucsonTom2! The first thing to do is to go ahead and disable sync on ALL of your devices. Since we're going to be recreating your Dropbox data, I want everything disconnected from Dropbox for now, just to make sure you have usable data everywhere while we're doing this and nothing will cause that data to change in any way. This also means you don't want to make any changes to your data until we're done. Don't worry – I'll do my best to make this quick. Once sync is disabled across your devices:

    1. On your PC, open your Dropbox folder in Explorer and move any Agile Keychain, OPVault, or .legacyagilekeychain folders to your desktop. The goal is no 1Password data here.
    2. Once Dropbox is cleared out, open and unlock 1Password 7.
    3. Remove your old, messed up vault – press Ctrl + D, mouse over the old vault, click ... and select "Remove vault".
    4. Next, hover over the new, properly imported vault, click ..., and select "enable sync".
    5. Where asked for your "vault password", enter your Master Password.
    6. Click "Choose...", navigate to the folder within your Dropbox folder you'd like to start syncing this vault, then click "select folder".
    7. Click continue.

    This vault is now on Dropbox! Next, we'll have to get your other devices syncing to the same place. To avoid any attempts to merge data that might create trouble, I suggest starting over on each of your other devices:


    This will bring each of those devices back to a state where it looks as though you've never used 1Password before. Click or tap Dropbox on the 1Password Welcome screen on each device and open the OPVault you just created on Dropbox to sync your data back to those devices.

    At this point, all devices should be on the same page, but give it a quick test. I like to create an item on each device with the device's name as the title. So "Windows - Home" "Windows - Work" "iPhone", etc. Look on each device and make sure you have an item for each device everywhere. If you see 'em all, that means sync is working well across the board and you're all set.

    Finally, once everything is set up and syncing happily, you can feel free to delete those old folders on your desktop, if you'd like. If you'd prefer, you can also throw them in a folder "just in case". Totally up to you.

    And that's it! Of course, any questions, just let me know. :+1:

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    Bad news, I can't get any of my apps to accept my master password. Neither the password that I used to use to open my 1password 4 vault, nor the password I used to create my subscription account. Help!!!

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member
    edited February 2019

    Isn't there any way to talk on the phone, @bundtkate ? I've been at this 5 long days and it's really stressing me out. I can call you if that works better. My phone number is phone number removed by AgileBits.

  • TucsonTom2
    Community Member

    I've tried everything here but nothing worked.

  • I've gone ahead and removed your phone number from your comment @TucsonTom2. This is a public forum and I think we all probably get enough spam calls as it is. :+1:

    We really can't do phone calls at present. We'd love to get to the point where we can offer more real-time support, but we're not quite there yet and don't want to compromise quality in the process, so it's going to take time. It is something I'm looking forward to, though. I'm sure I've wished I was looking over someone's should as often as our customers have wanted the same.

    This is something we'll get through, though. Remember, we kept your old data to plan exactly for something like this – we know we've got that data if we need it and we can recover it. It will be okay. Let's take a step back for just a moment, though. Did you make any changes to Dropbox or your apps yet? You had one PC working fine, just unsynced, so I'd guess you got a start on what I mentioned above, but it will help if I know how far you got. Letting me know what you did before your ran into trouble when you reply can generally help speed things up, too. I know, it may seem uninteresting and unimportant, but it helps me to follow along and know what state your apps are likely in from the start so I can dive in faster. If you can recap what you've done as much as you're able each time you have a question, it will help a ton.

    For now, let me know how far you got on syncing to Dropbox and I'll keep your thread open in a spare tab so I can check on it more often today and hopefully get you in a better state before the end of my day. :+1:

This discussion has been closed.