Serious security issues

This article (dated February 19, 2019)... 1Password7 (and 4) for Windows, as well as several of its competitors. It finds serious, fundamental security flaws in each product (including the latest 1Password). I (and other 1Password users) would surely love to hear the developer's reply (and plan for rectifying. Also, I would be interested in whether the Mac (and iOS) versions of 1Password are prone to similar vulnerabilities.

1Password Version: 7.2.576
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • This is something we've already discussed here, @dsylva. Most importantly, both our engineering team and our chief of security have weighed in there and are monitoring that thread, so I'd suggest you give it a read and, if you have any lingering questions, ask them in a comment there where the folks who are going to be best able to answer them will see them quickly. :+1:

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