Icon for curri.com not populating

Community Member

When I save a new login for www.curri.com or app.curri.com, the rich icon is not pulled in to 1Password and all I see is an auto-generated "Cu" .

1Password Version: 7.2.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @briangonzalez! That's correct; we have rich icons for over a thousand of the top-visited websites, but I honestly don't know whether curri.com is among those. However, if you're getting the default icon, it's likely not. Obviously, things like bankofamerica.com and instagram.com will have rich icons, but lesser-traveled sites may not, in which case, the default icon is used, and that's what you're seeing. Sorry for the confusion. :) I've added a request internally to see if we can add the site icon for curri.com.

  • briangonzalez
    Community Member

    I would love that. Thanks Lars!

    Have you all considered pulling icons automatically from sites if they've uploaded hi-res icons in the usual spots (similar to what a browser does)?

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @briangonzalez - we did that for a while, but it proved unreliable, sometimes coming up with nothing at all (despite the presence of such things, only in locations we did not anticipate), and sometimes pulling a lower-res-than-desirable version (this happened far too often). For now, we're using our own Rich Icons server to handle the most-commonly used sites. We may never have a good method in place to handle every single website on the internet, owing to the wide variability of how things are handles (some sites don't even have such things, etc). But if you have sites for which you'd like a Rich Icon, you can certainly suggest it here. Another possibility (if you don't want to bother getting in contact with us and waiting for us to be able to add it), is you can always change the icon for anything (Login item or otherwise) in 1Password by clicking Edit, the clicking on the icon itself. This will bring up a chooser window where you can add your own icon (or indeed any image you like). Hope that's helpful! :)

  • briangonzalez
    Community Member

    Great, thank you!

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @briangonzalez - you're quite welcome. :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @briangonzalez - just wanted to let you know we've added the icon for curri.com. :)

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