It would be great for y'all to link directly to the password reset forms for all known services

Community Member

I've been a 1Password user for many years. Despite that, I had a backlog of past logins that used duplicate/compromised passwords. This afternoon I finally went through them all and updated them to use strong, unique passwords. This was a bit of a chore and something 1Password could make much, much easier for people.

It would be great for y'all to link directly to the password reset/update form for all known services. You're "This password is already in use / been compromised" warning is a great start but helping automate the fix would be even better.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:it would be great for y'all to link directly to the password reset/update form for all known services


  • Thanks for taking the time to write in with this idea @blider. I can definitely see how it could be helpful. There are some challenges, such as the fact that these links are subject to change at any time, but it may be something we can do for the top X sites. Something to brainstorm on. Thanks! :)


  • blider
    Community Member

    Thanks for taking it under consideration. As a friend just said to me, this could be an opportunity for differentiation and/or a way to get services and password managers to work better together:

    I also wish that the browser makers and standards bodies would get together and create a standards compliant way for password managers to do password changes, and then have a public relations push equal to the web standards pushes of the early 00s to get all websites to conform to the new standards. There's no reason you should have to ever go to a website to manually update your password. It makes the password management process such a pain.

  • @blider

    The hold up for us on supporting something like automatic password changes is that all of the systems we've seen so far that do this require the password be available in clear text to the password manager's service. This is something we're fundamentally opposed to. We never want to be in a position to know your passwords. If a standard were developed where this were not the case, I imagine we'd strongly consider supporting it.


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