I imported my vault from dashlane. Some of my sites require 3 pieces of information to login.
Hey, @JoyW.
I had a similar issue when importing from LastPass... I know it can be very bothersome.
I'm not a 1Password team member, but I think it depends on the type of fields your sites require to log in. For example, if you imported your 2FA keys, you'd need to create a one-time password field. Or maybe it's a date that was imported incorrectly. In that case, you'd need to create a date field. I'd suggest you read more about 1Password's custom fields.
In the end, I believe it'll depend on what "pieces of information" your sites require, but I can assure you the most common types of fields that you'd find on the web are supported by 1Password. We only need to know which ones are they.
Hope that helps :)
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Hi @JoyW
Three-field logins can be a bit tricky. I would suggest manually re-saving these as new items using the 1Password extension. We have a guide available on this process here:
How to save a Login manually in your browser
Once you have a working Login item saved you can delete the original (imported) one. I hope that helps. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.
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Okay, sorry about that. The instructions are for the desktop app extension. We generally don't recommend having both installed, as they may conflict. Would you mind uninstalling 1Password X and giving the desktop app extension a try, at least for this procedure?
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At this point it is really a matter of preference. Unfortunately offering two different extensions with slightly different feature sets causes some confusion. We're hoping to streamline this in the future. For now, if the desktop app extension is working well for you I'd suggest sticking with that.