Linking Chrome Google Accounts to Organisations on 1Password Mac

Community Member

I have several logins for the same tools that I use across different organisations. So it often happens that I want to login into AWS for example, and it autofills the login field with the AWS credentials of organisation A, while I actually want to get those of B. This makes me lose a little time every day.

Is it possible to configure an instance of the Chrome extension to a specific organisation or vault on the 1Password app on my Mac? That way I would link every Google Chrome Account to the correct organisation (using the configuration of the seperate 1Password Chrome extensions). This would fix my problem from above.

1Password Version: 7.3.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Mac OS 10.13.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @droegier

    I'd be happy to do some brainstorming with you to see if we can find a workable solution for you here. Are the credentials for each organization in their own 1Password membership account, or are they all in the same account? If they are all in the same account you could switch to the appropriate vault using the vault switcher or keyboard shortcut prior to filling. That way you'd only see results from the selected vault, instead of All Vaults (which is the default). If they are in separate accounts you could perhaps consider using a separate Chrome profile for each. You'd install the 1Password X extension in each Chrome profile, and then only sign in to the account that you want to associate with that profile in 1Password X.

    Does that help? Please let me know.


  • droegier
    Community Member

    Hi @Ben

    Thanks. Very helpful. The best solution is your second proposal with 1Password X. I was using the Chrome extension that connects straight to your Desktop app and in this case it wasn't possible to connect every Chrome profile to a different 1Password account. Now it works.

  • Great. Thanks for the update. I'm glad to hear that workaround worked. :) If we can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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