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Do I have to pay a subscription after upgrading?

Community Member

I am running Mojave 10.14.6 and received a message on screen telling me that my version of 1Password would no longer work and that I must upgrade. I have done so, but now the little icon has disappeared from the toolbar in Safari. In "about 1Password" it says I have version 7.3.2. When I click on "Install extensions" it says by the Safari icon that the extension is included in 1Password 7. Do I have to pay a subscription to make the new version work again, and how to get the Safari icon back again? Thanks in advance!

1Password Version: 7.3.2
Extension Version: ?
OS Version: OS X 10.14.6
Sync Type: ?


  • Hi @gammarayson

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. 1Password membership is a subscription service and as such does require a subscription payment after the 30 day trial period. That said, that wouldn't likely be what is holding you up from getting Safari to work. I would recommend running through the troubleshooting steps I posted here to see if that resolves the issue with Safari for you.

    Please let me know how it turns out. :)


  • gammarayson
    Community Member

    I have followed the steps you linked to and the 1Password icon has reappeared. I am now trying to subscribe for the 30 day trial, and am asked for a master password. Is this the same as the one I currently use with 1Password 6, or do I have to invent a new one? Although version 7.3.2 is now on my Mac it is not yet working, so I suppose everything should be dandy when I have completed the subscription process?

  • As long as your current Master Password is at least 10 characters long you can use the same one (and we recommend doing so). When you sign into your account in 1Password for Mac it should migrate whatever data you have stored there. :)


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