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None of my 1Password extensions are working.

I purchased a license for 1Password that currently's running version 6.8.2. I have been trying to get rid of some malware that was loaded without my knowledge. In the process of attempting to get rid of it, I had to reset all of my extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. It's active in my main menu and has been added to all the previously mentioned browsers, but it's not working in any of them. When clicking on the icon in Chrome a window opens that shows "1Password extension (desktop app required)" in addition to some other options, but when I click on it it takes me to the site; When clicking on the icon in Safari the following window opens that's unlike anything I've ever seen when using 1Password in Safari: and it shows that it's running version 7.3.2; and finally in Firefox the icon is ghosted and if I go in to manage the Extensions it shows "1Password extension (desktop app required)" here, as well, and the version shows I've never eperienced anything like this before that I couldn't eventually resolve.

1Password Version: 6,7,4OS
Extension Version: 6.8.2, 7.3.2,
OS Version: OS X 10.13.6
Sync Type: ?
Referrer: forum-search:1Password extensions not working


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @clintweir! Welcome to the forum!

    It looks like you installed the latest 1Password 7 app instead of 1Password 6. 1Password 7 is a paid upgrade, so I believe this is why you are seeing this behavior.

    Unless you want to go back to using version 6, in order to unlock all functionality in version 7, you need to either purchase a license for 1Password 7, or add a 1Password Membership to the app to unlock it.

  • clintweir
    Community Member

    How do I go back to using version 6 for all browsers?

  • We can't recommend using an older version. 1Password 6 has been retired and is no longer being updated. As a security focused company we'd always recommend running the latest versions of all of your software, but especially your operating system, web browser(s), and 1Password. If you opt to revert to an earlier version that is your prerogative, but it isn't something we can recommend. That said, licenses never expire, and so you can continue using any version you've licensed for as long as it works for you. Reverting to version 6 should be considered a temporary measure. As things continue to evolve around the now retired v6 it will be less and less practical to continue using it. For example, Safari 13 uses an all new extension framework, and as such will not work with v6.

    How do I go back to using version 6 for all browsers?

    If you would like to use Safari you cannot revert to v6.


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