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1 year membership, and can't set up account

Community Member

Hi there,

I got a 1 year 1PW Families subscription, and just am going to set it up. I had the emergency kit saved, but it's telling me I have the wrong master password. I only would have used one thing, which is not working. The advice was to delete the account, and I was assuming there would be a way to start over after, but no. Now it just says the account is deleted and I'm dead in the water. Did I just lose my year long subscription?

1Password Version: 7.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Ben
    edited September 2019

    Hi @Zorn,

    I see you also emailed us about a similar situation. Since we're talking here I'm going to close that email ticket for now, to avoid duplicating efforts. Once you've deleted the inaccessible account I'd recommend destroying the associated Emergency Kit, as that may cause confusion in the future otherwise. Then sign up for a new membership:

    After you've created the new membership our billing team can help you move any remaining credit from the old to the new. Please let me know when the new membership is created so I can re-open your email ticket and transfer it to our billing team.



    ref: GJT-36975-588

  • Zorn
    Community Member


  • Great; thanks @Zorn. Our billing team should be in touch via email soon to sort the rest out. :)


This discussion has been closed.