SAP Logon auto type 1Password 7.3
Hi All,
I am new to 1Password and trying to integrate SAP logonpad with 1Password, I see setup for 1P4 but not for 1P7, if you can share an update link or an SOP that would be great, thanks.
1Password Version: 7.3.712
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10 Version 1903
Sync Type: 1Password
Referrer: forum-search:SAP Logon auto type 1password V7
Assuming you're referring to the auto-type feature, @deabi23, that's not yet been added to 1Password 7 but we do have the beginnings of it available via the type in window feature. You can find information about that here:
Alternatively, if you have a 1Password membership, 1Password X in Chrome or Firefox also supports drag and drop to fill. It's really a matter of preference what works best for you. Normally, I prefer something that allows me to avoid the mouse, but I usually have a browser open on half my screen and I've found 1Password X seems to have an easier time with most apps I use so I use it more often than not despite the mouse requirement. You can learn more about 1Password X in general here:
If neither of these works for you, we are still working on auto-type as neither type in window nor 1Password X's drag and drop are able to fill in all apps on Windows. I don't have a specific ETA as yet, but keep an eye out. :chuffed: