To protect your privacy: email us with billing or account questions instead of posting here.

Problems about payment

Community Member
edited November 2019 in Memberships

I send a email to support mail at 2019/11/21 7:55,but until now , I haven't received any feedback other than an automated reply at 13:24 on 2019/11/21. So I came here to ask.

I read some of the posts and I know I should keep waiting for a reply. I'm terribly sorry for my extra trouble, but I'm a little nervous right now.

I'm a user of your product,and hope to continue to use your excellent software.But there is something wrong with my payment method: my credit card has been cancelled for personal reasons and I may not have a credit card available at the moment.

Since my credit card is no longer available and the next year's subscription deduction has failed, my billing page is shown below:

[screenshot removed by moderator for customer's privacy; this is a public forum]

My current question is how can I cancel my credit card payment and may be temporarily freeze my account so that I can use a gift card or apple store to continue my subscription.

I know you may not be able to help me here, but please find a way to get support email back to help me solve my problem.

Sorry again for my interruption.

Charls Xiao

ps:that balance was when I tried to fix the problem in the billing interface, I accidentally hit the switch to a home subscription. If I decide to subscribe at the apple store, how will I pay for this additional fee?


  • CharlsXiao
    Community Member

    In my area, I should go to have a rest. I'll see the reply tomorrow, whether it's email or forum. Then I'll contact you immediately

  • Hi @CharlsXiao

    This is something we'll need to address via email. I see you've already sent us a message. We're working hard to get email replies out to everyone as quickly as possible. We'll be in touch via email as soon as we can. Thanks!


    ref: SUM-23635-192

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