MAS update to 7.4.2 fails

Mark Sealey
Mark Sealey
Community Member

Thank you for this morning's update via the Mac App Store.

It didn't go smoothy though: first, it refused to complete because 1P was 'still running'; and there was no obvious way completely to Quit it.

When I eventually managed it (quitting Safari 13.0.5), the extension did not work.

A restart of the computer eventually fixed that.

Is there a way around such difficulties, please; or was i doing something wrong?


1Password Version: 7.4.2
Extension Version: 7.4.2
OS Version: 10.14.6
Sync Type: iCloud


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Mark Sealey!

    It is difficult to say without knowing all the exact steps you took, but if you get a message about completely quitting 1Password, instead of quitting Safari please try quitting the 1Password app completely (right-click on 1Password mini in the menu bar at the top right of your screen > Quit 1Password Completely). This will allow the installer to continue.

  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Thanks, @ag_ana; I have found that worked in the past. But this time, the 1P mini icon had already disappeared from the menu bar - presumably as part of the MAS install process before it got to the 'completely quit' warning.

  • Thanks for the feedback, @Mark Sealey. We'll keep an eye out for this sort of thing.


  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Thanks, Ben - there must be something different about this release as well… some forms filled in from the Safari Extension now have both asterisks and the completed strings in 'Login/User name:' and 'Password:' dialogue boxes.

    Good luck!

  • there must be something different about this release as well…

    That's generally the idea, yes. ;)

    some forms filled in from the Safari Extension now have both asterisks and the completed strings in 'Login/User name:' and 'Password:' dialogue boxes.

    Could you please provide an example of a URL to a form where this is happening?


  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Of course :-)

  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    @Mark Sealey:

    Thank you. I have tested the login form for that website here, and things worked fine for me.

    some forms filled in from the Safari Extension now have both asterisks and the completed strings in 'Login/User name:' and 'Password:' dialogue boxes.

    Can you perhaps post a screenshot of this, so we can understand exactly what you are seeing?

  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Of course, @ag_ana - the Safari extension 7.4.2 still works; just that now it displays both the string, 'Password', which it used to remove and the asterisks filled in by 1P.

  • vplewis
    Community Member

    @Mark Sealey @ag_ana FWIW, I'm seeing this as well on the Chase site. Looks like Chase has "improved" their front page. It now also requires two attempts to fill in the blanks.

  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Hi, @vplewis - I don't have to do it twice.

    My apologies if I read too much into the co-incidence that I first saw this at Chase on the same day as I updated 1P from the MAS: that was because I didn't notice any other changes at Chase that day. It works - but it surely isn't the most elegant way to log in :-)

  • Thanks folks. We'll be investigating further. :)


  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Thanks, Ben - good luck. Please do ask if I can send you any further details!

  • bill_dickenson
    Community Member

    I am also having problem updating to 7.4.2 via the MAS. It appears to be working. Then it requests that I quit 1Password even though it wasn't previously running. I try to quit 1Password. Then I get a message saying 1Password didn't quit. Download fails.

  • @bill_dickson

    Please try the following instructions:

    • There appears to be an issue with the Mac App Store version 7.4.2 for some of our user base, rather than potentially taking you into that issue. I would like to have you install our web store version.
    1. Quit Safari
    2. Open and then quit 1Password completely — ⌘⌥⌃Q (Command Option Control Q)
    3. Drag 1Password to the Trash, but DO NOT use a "cleaner" app to remove 1Password if you have one (MacKeeper, CleanMyMac, AppZapper, etc)
    4. Empty the Trash
    5. Restart your Mac
    6. Install 1Password from our website: Download for Mac
    7. Open 1Password
  • bill_dickenson
    Community Member

    @ag_tommy Once I do that, will I still be able to update from Mac App Store for future updates?

  • @bill_dickenson

    In my post above your updates would come directly from us via our web store. You will often receive updates quicker than the Mac App Store due to the app not needing the review process. If later you want to reverse the process. You would perform the steps again but in step 6 you would download from the Mac App Store.

    • You can certainly try to update the Mac App Store version if you wish. Substitute 6 above with a fresh download from the Mac App Store.
  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Thanks for today's MAS update (7.4.3): is a restart (computer) a expected for the Safari extension to work, please?

  • @Mark Sealey

    It isn't something we'd expect, no. Generally a restart of the computer should not be necessary in order to install a 1Password update, however, the way Safari loads Safari App Extensions does sometimes need that sort of a kick.


  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Thanks, @ben!

    It did in my case, although the other aspects of the installation did go more smoothly than last time :-)

  • I'm glad to hear that. :) You're very welcome.


  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    And again this morning (MAS to 7.4.4): the Safari Extension still fails (reboot needed); and the asterisks still appear in a Chase bank login.

    If I can help in any way for you to work for a fix on this - particularly the fact that the Safari Extension doesn't immediately work - I'd be happy to do so. Good luck!

  • @Mark Sealey

    Please try using the download from our website instead of the App Store. Tommy posted instructions for doing that here:

    As for the issue with Chase... please shoot us an email to and include this link:
    When you email in you should get an auto-response from BitBot with a support ID. Please post that ID here. I've been discussing this situation with one of my colleagues that I'd like to put you in touch with.



  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Thanks very much, Ben!

    I'm a little reluctant to switch from MAS to the website because in the past I've had extensive problems when I've done so… seems to confuse my system - which is otherwise extremely healthy and well-maintained. I'm also wary because I have an auto-deduction set up with Apple to pay for my Agile subscription.

    Or am I worrying for nothing?

    If I know that the only anomaly I will experience (maybe because of Sophos?) is that I need to restart, I can live with it - even though what's on the website will be available sooner :-)

    If I did do that, would I run a complete remover like AppDelete or iTrash?

    I guess I want to respect that you and the team there have spent years carefully working out how to integrate all of 1P's features with the rest of the environment - including Extensions.

    …you should get an auto-response from BitBot with a support ID. Please post that ID here…


  • If I did do that, would I run a complete remover like AppDelete or iTrash?

    Nope. From the instructions:

    but DO NOT use a "cleaner" app to remove 1Password if you have one (MacKeeper, CleanMyMac, AppZapper, etc)


    Or am I worrying for nothing?

    I can say that the majority of our customers use the version from our website without issue, whereas unfortunately we've had some difficulties with the builds we've published to the Mac App Store lately. The download from our site would not affect your subscription status. The website download can be used with an App Store subscription and vice versa. That said, it is entirely your choice. I only suggest it as I think it will work smoother for you, but if you'd rather continue as-is and not upset the apple cart (pun appreciated by author) I understand.


    Perfect. Thanks! My colleague Brenty should be in touch soon.


    ref: CLX-41968-844

  • Mark Sealey
    Mark Sealey
    Community Member

    Great. Got it, Ben. Thanks so much!

  • You're very welcome. :)


This discussion has been closed.