Find simply does not work

Community Member

Neither "Find" nor any of it's many iterations (via the Edit->Find menu) ever finds anything! I can display a list of all 1,033 items and scroll to a section that has 4 items with "Jim" in the Title. However, none of the Find functions can find any of them. Not command-F, option command-F, Show Search Options using "Title" "contains"/"begins with"/"ends with"/"is"! If I use "is not", I get a list of 130 "Reused" passwords. True enough, none of those items have "Jim" in the Title, but I dare say there are closer to 1,020 that would also not have "Jim" in the Title.

The only thing "Find" seems to find are items with the search word AND a reused password! That's nice... if I was looking for something with reused passwords. But please tell me how to Find items that have/start with/end with/do not have/are or are not a specific group of characters in one of the 25 specific fields?! I don't care about reused passwords every time! I want to Find something! DUH!!! >_<

I'm sure I have stupidly failed to understand such a simple process.

1Password Version: 7.4.3 Family Plan
Extension Version: 7.4.3
OS Version: 10.14.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Find not working


  • ag_ana
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @xabd!

    I can display a list of all 1,033 items and scroll to a section that has 4 items with "Jim" in the Title. However, none of the Find functions can find any of them.

    Can you please elaborate on the issue? What happens exactly if you type Jim in the 1Password search bar, at the top of the list of items?

  • xabd
    Community Member

    My new understandings:
    1. Apparently, 1PW "remembers" the settings of the last search, including any selection in the sorting list.
    2. It does NOT remember the use of the "Expand Search to All Fields" button.

    If the last search included the use of "Show Reused Passwords", that will also be used for all subsequent searches. That fact may be in The Manual, but I don't read those things. :) Now that I have figured out how searches in 1PW work, I can actually use it.

    Basically, what I said in the first post is correct: "The only thing "Find" seems to find are items with the search word AND a reused password!" That is because that was the last criteria I had used several weeks/months ago. In other words, 1PW "remembered" what I had searched for, but I had not! I hope I can remember this the next time I use the search function... months from now.

    I suppose this "memory of last search criteria" is a way for the user to constantly search for the same thing repeatedly. I don't think I have any other apps that work this way, but I'm not a power-user with thousands of apps. I am more familiar with starting a search for something in the entire app or the collection of data being displayed.

    I guess this question can be labeled "Solved". At least I now understand how it works... today, anyway.

  • Gotcha! Thanks for the update @xabd. There has been some internal debate about how that should work going forward, with good arguments presented on both sides. Personally I use search multiple times per day every day, so it isn't a big deal. I can certainly see how it might be more of a problem for someone who only uses search very infrequently, though.


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