Erroneous filling on site with multiple forms
1Password is unable to fill login information on correctly even when web form details in the vault item are correct. base username and password along with signin[login] and signin[pass] are correctly specified in the item, and signin[login], signup[telefon] and signup[pass] are being filled. Login password is not being filled.
Furthermore, web form details in the item are being changed on autofill (with no confirmation), so that signup[telefon] and signup[pass] are populated with login information.
Screenshot demonstrates web form details after filling the form from browser extension.
1Password Version: 7.6.780
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Dropbox
Hi @finwe,
Thank you for reporting this!
It does look like this website has a lot of fields on the same page. However, I have a possible workaround for you – please try to save a Login manually using 1Password companion extension and let me know how it works for you after that.
I just tried creating a Login item this way and it works for me. Thanks! :+1:
Greg0 -
Yes, thanks for the workaround, it works. It seems that the other fields in the Item are throwing thw autofill off even when empty.