1Password v8 is a Mistake

I've been a supporter and advocate for 1Password for years. I led my team to use it at work in 2016 because I'd been using it and loving it since it was 1Passwd. I happily downloaded 1Password 8 when I saw the early access announcement, and I can't believe this is what you plan to ship. ⌘\ is gone. It's a web app in a frame. v7 was first in class, completely solid Mac experience. v8 I wouldn't give a second thought to if I wasn't already so invested in the app. Now I don't know what I'm going to do. I know you give all this a lot of thought and run through lots of different scenarios, but I'm just chiming in to tell you, this is a mistake.

From someone who's been one of your biggest fans, v8 is a mistake. You shouldn't ship this.

Man, AgileBits used to be such a great little indie Mac company.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided



  • blankspace
    Community Member

    Why do you think we were all screaming when the VCs came in. This was guaranteed, the question was just when.

  • Thank you for your concern @ibuys and @blankspace!

    The 1Password 8 might look like it is ready for release but this is a very first public beta of the app. And we hope to get more feedback from users like you about the features that are missing or the bugs that need to be fixed before the official release

    Thank you again ❤️

  • krusnof
    Community Member

    No, it's NOT a beta, this is a serious overstatement—this is alpha at best.

  • Damn, @krusnof. Harsh but true. ❤️

  • blankspace
    Community Member

    You know I am actually impressed you’re commenting after the backlash that’s been said here. The fact remains I’ve canceled my subscription and won’t be renewing. Im not getting stuck with yet another electron app. It’s bad enough I have to deal with all the others. You couldn’t even make the effort to use WebKit which shares almost identical front end code with electron without the insane bloat. Honestly it’s a slap in the face to us paying customers after all these years.

  • @blankspace Understood. But I am still sad that after so many years you abandoned us without giving the new app a chance. It certainly needs more work as @krusnof mentioned but I truly believe that it is the best version of 1Password we shipped so far (have you tried to at least edit an item in 1Password 8 and see how much better it is compared to version 7?)

    Anyway, I hope you will find what you are looking for. We still love you 🙏

  • gussic
    Community Member

    @roustem I've just tried this - there is literally no difference in the speed between editing items. Functionality wise, given menus don't display outside of the 1P8 window, and get cut off, I'd actually venture as far as saying its a step backwards from 1P7, not forwards.

  • @gussic Sorry, I wasn't clear about item editing. The speed should be fine everywhere but the fact that I can barely enter a date in 1Password 7 was driving me crazy. And there are so many other small problems that completely break the experience for me in 1P7.

  • gussic
    Community Member

    @roustem Genuine question, how many users do you think regularly need to enter dates into their password manager? It just seems that you're patching all these issues that weren't really problems for 99.9% of the user base?

  • krusnof
    Community Member

    @roustem I think you're focusing on such a small facet of a bigger picture of what's not working and what people are not satisfied with. Again, read the case study on Arq 5 > 6 (disaster Electron) > 7.

  • @krusnof You might be right.

    I don't have 1Password 7 installed anywhere. I was living on 1Password 8 since last year and I am probably used to not having the features that you are missing. I hope you will let us know, just like you did in another thread. I truly appreciate it.

  • gussic
    Community Member

    @roustem The big feature that's missing, is having the categories in the sidebar, the drop down menu for them is absolutely atrocious. How this made it past initial design I don't know.

  • krusnof
    Community Member

    @roustem there is NO way you've used 1PW8 since last year if it's in this current stage as EA with all the issues—otherwise, I'm assuming you didn't have use for a password manager for that long. This is not remotely close to being a daily driver. And if you're support (I'm making an assumption here, so please correct me if wrong) then you should absolutely not run an internal dev version. And even if so—then you're telling a lot of people didn't catch all these basic mistakes? Sorry, but having a real hard time believing that statement.

  • krusnof
    Community Member

    You much have been using 1PW7 then long before 1PW6 was outdated—so you have had the features we're all discussing, and if you didn't use them—well, what can I say, you haven't used 1PW to any extend that's useful.

  • roustem
    edited August 2021

    @krusnof Dave and I started the company back in 2005 and used to be the only developers for many years. And we also did (and still do) the customer support. You are not wrong though, I am certainly not using 100% of the 1Password features.

  • krusnof
    Community Member

    @roustem I appreciate you then doing all this work and response. Suggestion—spend time reaching out to users via focus groups and actually talk to users. I hope you can see the amount of bad posts about 1PW8 already, that's not great as a product company if I look at it (being in product myself too)

  • gtcaz
    Community Member
    edited August 2021

    Kudos to @roustem for joining the discussion. Count me in as nervous -- I love the Mac and native Mac apps, but the 1Password team has been solid for years now. I'm holding back on judgement (but also holding back on trying 1PW8). Fingers crossed.

  • Thank you for the feedback, @krusnof and @gtcaz. We kind of treat these forums as our focus group as well, appreciate your suggestions!

  • krusnof
    Community Member

    You cannot replace actual conversations with forum debates. It's great yes, but not a substitute...

  • sriggins
    Community Member

    What about AppKit made the editing slow in 7, and what about electron makes it fast? You can keep your new Rust back end and provide a Mac crafted front end experience using native APIs.

  • petvas
    Community Member

    I am also disappointed by this change. Having said that I understand the reasons behind this decision and they are all based on business reasons. It is much easier to develop once and enable your software on all major platforms. Agilebits is saving money by doing this. Steve Jobs once said that a technology company that bases its decisions solely on business, is just bad.
    1Password is one of the apps that Mac users have been enjoying for years. Going cross platform is definitely not easy and brings its challenges with it, but Agilebits shouldn't forget its roots..By giving up the focus from the Mac and concentrating on just the service you just drive most Mac fans away.
    We do not want another Slack. We want great Mac apps and 1Password 8 is unfortunately not one of them.
    Doing cross platform right is a big challenge. The only right way to do it is by developing separate apps for each platform. That costs money and time. You decided to make it easy on yourselves.
    I cancelled my subscription that ends this December as I have no desire whatsoever to support your business decision.

  • claus
    Community Member

    @roustem : You said "But I am still sad that after so many years you abandoned us without giving the new app a chance."
    I am sure, almost everyone who gave here in "Early Access" his/her opinion about v8, gave already a chance - by installing it or just following the posts/comments.
    I did not install it because v8 still in alpha. I just have to read some comments. I do not need to touch the hotplate just to learn that it is hot! If someone tells me not to touch the plate, then I don't touch it.
    I do not like the whole development we see now, so why should I give it a chance.
    I will wait with "live-testing" of v8 until the new MacOS comes out and see what the new Keychain offers. Sad, but at the moment I have the feeling that Agile does not want to offer users of v7 (Mac) another chance to stay. I read here only "whitewashing" ...

  • torbenibsen
    Community Member

    I am jus't a regular user. Retired from IT years ago but still house "IT expert". I am never going to this V8 version and think that some "re-rethinking" is in order. You are selling trust, security and rock solid reliability. This will be gone in V8 on our 3 Macs (and I guess on our iPads and iPhones as well. I won't even try to put my nice old wife through a couple of years with bugs and things being different than she is used to. So I will start looking for a replacement for 1Password. One which works so I don't hAt leastave to cope with both someting new and something filled with bugs. For no good reason. - At least give us with 1Password 7 on our Macs a chance to stay on version 7. You can call it "Classic Subscription". That sounds nice enough.

  • seraph2k
    Community Member

    I can kinda see where you're trying to go with some of these 1P8 design changes, but also share the concerns about Electron. 1P has been such a shining example of a native application, it's hard to see that compromised on. It's definitely more an alpha, and I had to go back to 7.

  • dpam
    Community Member

    Add me to the lost list of long-time advocates who is very concerned. Willing to see this through beta (you really should have announced as alpha, to set the expectation that it was early and things/decisions could change) but while glad the senior team is involved in the public discussion, not thrilled with the tone so far. You'll win, the company will survive, but is it worth crushing all this goodwill?

    I hope you guys really listen and think hard before committing just because you made decisions last year. Change is fine. Hard change is fine. Pissing people off is even fine. Ruining a great product isn't.

  • cryptochrome
    Community Member

    You guys should go out and breathe in some fresh air. Seriously, the amount of hyperbole outrage displayed by some people here makes me think someone has killed their beloved dog. It's a password manager, not your life. Take a step back and appreciate the fact that this is an early release with loads of headroom for changes and optimizations. And as for Electron... who cares. If you guys hadn't pointed it out, I wouldn't even have noticed.

    I have my own issues with this alpha version (like the fact it doesn't respect my "never lock" setting), but I expected nothing short of boat loads full of issues with an early access version.

  • telephoneman2
    Community Member

    Guys, why don't you let it grow? This is an early beta (call it alpha - doesn't matter- its just not ready). From feature perspective 1Password never disappointed in a long view. So this is beta for now - if you don't like it go to 7 back. If it's finished and you still don't like it, stick with 7. But "Complaining","Tickets" about explicit named missing features or ways how things work now is more helpful instead of this "general complaining". I really believe if enough people like or change things to change they do it sooner or later 😊 I have seen that since years and still trust this will not change.

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  • ext195
    Community Member

    For those who are hypercritical about this electron thing just try the beta, so far it's the best electron app I've ever seen. They've tried really hard to make it as native as possible in Big Sur, it's pretty, also the app eats surprisingly small amount of memory, it's fine and will be ok for the most people. The thing is that with my vault of around 1k entries it is noticeably slower to scroll or show entries, it feels sluggish and wrong. As for me this and a subscription only thing made me look around for an alternative and that's where they lost me, sorry.

  • ibuys
    Community Member

    @roustem I've got to ask… why wasn't running a successful Mac and iOS app company enough?

    I suppose I should go back and re-read the posts about taking the initial investments. Seems to me that the expansion of AgileBits and taking investment money led directly to this sub-par, non-native Mac app, which I can only assume the iOS app will follow suit. You guys had a great app and the respect of the entire community. Why toss that away? And for what? Windows and Linux compatibility?

    Well, I suppose if I was literally offered a wheelbarrow full of money I might do the same thing. 🤷🏻‍♂️

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