1Password for Safari extension MIA...

Community Member

After restarting my computer (been having a lot of the "Your computer has been restarted because of a problem" when I restart my iMac), the 1Password for Safari extension is missing from Safari’s Preferences. I tried reinstalling both 1Password 8 (8.2.2) and the 1Password for Safari (2.1.0) apps. But no joy.

FWIW, I have no issue(s) with 1PW 8 until now. What caught my eye was the lack of the 1PW icon in Safari's Toolbar.

I just got back from lunch and I had restarted my iMac (18,3) before I left. I woke my iMac, logged in (no Panic), and there was no iPW mini icon in the Finder's Menu Bar. Double checked in Safari, no extension. Launched 1PW 8 (8.2.2), still no extension, launched 1PW for Safari, still no extension. But the 1PW mini icon is back in the Finder's Menu Bar.

So, 1PW 8 is working for me, but no Safari extension. 😖

1Password Version: 8.2.2 (80202072)
Extension Version: MIA
OS Version: Not Provided


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