Trouble with Login

Community Member
edited April 2013 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Here's the one that failed:

As luck would have it, this was the very first site I tried the new "save login to 1PW" technique. I did not get the "save" box after regular login. Fortunately, I tried with another site and it worked; then 2 more and ditto.

Eureka!!! I've gotten something with 1PW to work!!! OK, all you users who've been using 1PW forever and can make it dance in your sleep.. please cut me some slack :-) I've had several setbacks to this point and was about ready to relegate 1PW to the scrapheap of life... Now, I'm "reassessing the situation"...

The bad news, I still have 126 logins to transfer to 1PW.

Also, I'm still nervous about changing one of my "insanely easy" PWs to one generated by 1PW. Hopefully, there's a good tutorial for that...


  1. Since I currently have 129 logins, can I define login folders (bank, airline, etc)?
  2. If yes, can I move login's that are not in folders to newly created folders?


  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    Just a tickle to see if there's an answer to my questions... :-)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I must be replying to everyone's posts too quickly if people are worried I'm not going to reply after just a few hours. :)

    Filling seems to be working for me on that site. Did you say you already manually saved a Login item there using this technique? i can't reproduce any trouble.

    1. Visit the site's login page:
    2. Enter your credentials, but DO NOT submit the form.
    3. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and select the "+" button in the upper right hand corner.
    4. Change the title and make any notes (if desired).
    5. Click the Save button in the upper right hand corner.

    Using the above technique I was able to save and fill a sample login at:

    Manually saving a new Login can be useful for logins that are either problematic to begin with or were once working but have since stopped. Saving a new Login item allows 1Password to refresh everything it "knows" about the page. Login pages often change as websites are updated and this can be a necessary but very useful tip. :)

    If you are still having trouble, please try disabling autosubmit for that Login and let me know if that resolves the issue. Since I don't have an account there, I was not able to verify autosubmit for the form.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.

    As for using generated passwords, I'd recommend becoming more comfortable with 1Password including being able to access your data in 1Password on your mobile devices and via 1PasswordAnywhere in case you are away from your computer but need the password.

    Even then, I recommend beginning users to only change one or maybe two passwords to start with. Once you are comfortable with 1Password and the workflow on desktop, mobile, and web, you can change them all. There is no hurry. It is better to be confident than to rush ahead and be frustrated. :)

    When you are ready, here are the steps to change the password for a Login item you have already saved in 1Password:

    Changing a Login's Password

    Since I currently have 129 logins, can I define login folders (bank, airline, etc)?

    Yep. Just create a new folder in the main 1Password app (File > New Folder), drag the Login items from the list, and drop them on the folder. :)

    If yes, can I move login's that are not in folders to newly created folders?

    I'm not sure I completely understand the question, but the process should be the same as what I just described. Drag and drop a Login item onto the folder in 1Password. Let me know if that doesn't answer your question.

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    No joy yet. I have no folders and the word on the left side is greyed out. When I click on New Folder, the screen flashes and I get a "thump" but no new folder.

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    Pls delete last posting. I see I need to change the arrow by Folders to see the list of folders...

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    Some more feedback... I was erring by not following 1PW's instructions PRECISELY. I was going to a site's login screen, entering my user name and PW and then entering the site. In most cases, this did give me the added line at the top allowing me to save the site's login info but it did not for Sun Country. It DOES work if I go to the key before entering the site and ... oh well...

    Now I'm searching for the final key; how to create a login file for a site having two login pages (userID on first page and PW on 2nd page)...

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    Still having trouble with Sun Country.

    If I login the old fashioned way: after login, I'm at the home page and ready to go (It says, "Hi James" at the top..

    If I login with 1PW, the login seems to work (it again says, "Hi James" at the top) but there's nothing but a blue screen. I'm at the site but I can't do anything.

    I've tried deleting the 1PW record and re-entering the account several times. The only thing funny is when I have the account ready to transfer to 1PW and I tap the "key" to display the 1PW data box, the box for user ID has a generic label and not the actual ID; I have to edit that box and enter the ID manually. No problem in doing this but this step is not required by other sites.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2013

    I'm not able to reproduce any trouble at all with the Sun Country login. I even created an account there so I could confirm that not just the filling but autosubmit was working there too. This is exactly what I did to create the Login item once I had my own "Ufly Rewards #" and password.

    1. Visit the Sun Country "Ufly Rewards Sign-In" page:
    2. Enter your "Ufly Rewards #" and 4-digit password but DO NOT submit the form.
    3. Click the 1Password "key" button in your browser's toolbar, and select the + button in the upper right hand corner.
    4. Change the title so that you can tell this Login apart from any other Login items you may have previously created for the site and make any notes (if desired).
    5. Click the Save button in the upper right hand corner.

    The Login I created using that same technique works flawlessly in Safari 6.0.3 with the latest version of the 1Password extension (3.9.12). I can either select it from the 1Password toolbar button in Safari or use the ⌘\ keyboard shortcut to fill it in automatically. The form fields are filled in. The form is automatically submitted (since I have that option enabled; it is enabled by default). There is nothing that isn't working exactly as expected.

    Can you confirm for me that you have followed those steps exactly and have created a new Login item?

    I really want to help, but everything is working perfectly on that site in all of my testing. And I'm not sure from what you are writing exactly what the problem is. I don't understand what this means:

    The only thing funny is when I have the account ready to transfer to 1PW and I tap the "key" to display the 1PW data box, the box for user ID has a generic label and not the actual ID; I have to edit that box and enter the ID manually. No problem in doing this but this step is not required by other sites.

    When you say "tap the 'key' to display the 1PW data box" I think you mean "click the 1Password toolbar button in Safari". Can you confirm that for me?

    What do you mean by "generic label"? Where are you seeing that? Do you mean the Login item's title as highlighted in this screenshot?

  • PWChinook
    Community Member

    I can't believe my eyes... I wonder how long it would take to crack that PW...

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Yeah, I saw that too in my testing. I signed up for an account and was alarmed. Thankfully my account doesn't contain any real information. And thankfully you aren't reusing that password anywhere. I haven't tested, but I sure hope they have fierce throttling of failed password attempts. :/

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