My old password doesn't change on a website, even though I changed and saved it in 1Password.

Community Member

I changed and saved the password on my bank's website and in 1Password. I am using Microsoft Edge. When I go to logon the bank's website, the old password keeps displaying when I click 1Password's icon. It seems like 1Password does not update to the new password.

1Password Version: 8.4.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows10
Referrer: forum-search:Password update


  • Hi @Sparetime:

    Thanks for letting us know about this, and I'm sorry for the delay here. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, you had a Login item stored in 1Password, then followed the steps here to create and save a new password for your bank? Let me know if this is the case, and I can dig into it further with you!


  • Sparetime
    Community Member

    Thanks for getting back to me. I did figure it out. The bank was storing my old password on their site, so I had to delete the old password off of their site that was also stored in 1password. Seems I had two passwords on 1password.

  • Ah! That would definitely confuse me too!

    Thanks for following-up and letting us know you got everything sorted! 💙

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