What happened to double click opening and filling the web address

Community Member

It's not the end of the world, but it was quite convenient to be able to open a website login page and autofill the use credentials by double clicking on a login.

That functionality now requires Command+Shift+F, which is not as simple and is not really intuitive (why "F"?).

Double clicking to open the item doesn't seem to add anything (but does make sense in Apple navigation terms) - but the functionality change is a pain and there could have been a simpler shortcut.

Why make the change?

1Password Version: 8.7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.3.1


  • Hi @jpkeates, thank you for sharing your feedback. You're right that the functionality of double-clicking an item has changed in version 8. I definitely see your point about "open in new window" feeling much less useful than the ability to double-click and fill into the browser.

    While reviewing the app against your feedback, I also noticed that we don't currently offer any other button to open and fill an item other than via the application menu or the shortcut. That's something that could definitely be improved.

    We're always reflecting on feedback such as yours, and I'm sure there are ways we can improve this. I've gone ahead and logged your feedback into our tracker so the rest of the team will get a chance to review it and plan ways to make the app better.

    As always, feel free to reach back out if there's anything else I can be helpful with.


  • Hey again @jpkeates, in my last response I forgot to mention that we do have a shortcut in the app that lets you do something similar, albeit with one extra click. I imagine you're already aware of it, and I understand it probably doesn't fully address your feedback, but I thought I'd mention it!

  • jpkeates
    Community Member

    Thanks for the response - I had found the shortcut, which does help, and thanks for taking the time to add to your response.

  • Thank you @jpkeates! Please stay in touch if there's anything else we can help with!


  • bradHon1Pcomm
    Community Member

    I agree. One of my peeves on transition. I didn't like it in 1password 8 Windows and I just transition to Mac 8 and same issue as they are now seemingly same interface.

    Is there a reason it was taken away.?

    I know you can "click, then click on the website link". but now double click opens up a mini window of the item. It would be nice you you could have preference setting for this.

  • andclarke
    Community Member

    I agree. Makes 1Password 8 less user friendly.

    Why can't developers realise that THE LESS KEYSTROKES THE BETTER?

  • password0462
    Community Member

    Terrible Idea to eliminate the double click to open a website--how about i just GO to the website and type in my username and password--does that make any sense. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING???

  • tcoates
    Community Member

    I agree.. you just made using this MUCH more inconvenient ... really a stupid move ... wish i had not upgraded, and will not do so on my other machines ..

  • pinecone
    Community Member

    @ag_Gabriele In your comments from May you acknowledged that this functionality was missing/limited. And apparently no one at 1PW had realized this before releasing 1PW8.

    When can we expect improvements?

  • JasonHolderness
    Community Member

    Came here to comment on this as well. With the new v8, I lost THE easiest and most highly used way to open an website and autofill. If I single-click an entry, it populates the information in the right panel. If I now double-click an entry, it opens a pop-up window with the same information. I don't know why that's needed or useful, or why someone thought that a better use of double-click? My primary need is to open the website and log in. Double-clicking the login allowed me to do that easily. Now I have to click..move my mouse up and over to the website URL...click again. Please put it back to double-clicking or making it an option to configure.

  • Hi @JasonHolderness / @pinecone / @tcoates / @password0462:

    Thanks for your feedback on this. While I can't promise anything specifically, I've shared your thoughts with the team.


    ref: IDEA-I-621

  • followthelamb
    Community Member

    I miss the simple double-click method of open and fill. this makes version 8 a downgrade from version 7 for me. thanks for giving us work-arounds, but they simply confirm that version 8 is a worse experience for me.

  • ag_tommy
    edited August 2022

    Thanks @followthelamb

    I've got your thoughts recorded.

    ref: IDEA-I-621

  • JimH
    Community Member

    I agree, please bring back this option.

  • Garybo
    Community Member

    This is just one of several things I do not like the upgrade. My wife still uses the previous version and I advised her not to upgrade. I wish I could change back on my Mac.

  • Hi @JimH and @Garybo,

    Thanks for sharing your feedback with us, I've added proxy votes on your behalves to our internal tracker for the topic. 👍🏻

  • bradHon1Pcomm
    Community Member

    I agree fully on this. why can double click not open the first URL. And right click for the second window . At least something in preferences. I agree I really hate when developers remove features that make sense and I have not read anything on forum explaining why they did what they did. Please put this back. When you create major updates at lease should post the "before you upgrade we removed this...." Extra features, awesome, removing good feathers. thumbs down. but I still love the product and have been long long time user.

  • dougmeyer
    Community Member

    There is profoundly LESS utility in having the item open in a separate window on double-click rather than "open/fill". Both should have a key-stroke option, but to have a control-click contextual menu operation as the only way to open/fill tells me that those who are making "improvements" to upgraded versions don't actually use the software.

This discussion has been closed.