Feature request: Expiry date field

Community Member
edited October 2023 in Lounge

Perhaps I’m missing this in the apps but I only see the option for an expiry date, which flags in watchtower, in the credit card template.

I’d like a watchtower alert when some things are expiring, for example; car insurance documents and house insurance documents to quickly name a couple.

I’ve tried adding a date field, and renaming the field to expiry date like a credit card, but no watchtower alert.

Like I say, if I’ve missed this and the functionality is there, feel free to close this topic, after revealing the answer 😄



  • PeterG_1P
    edited May 2022

    Hi @chris55, thanks for this request,

    As it happens, you're correct - we don't currently have a way for you to set expiry dates for items other than credit cards. However, folks in the forums have let us know that they'd appreciate this functionality, so we have put in a feature request for the development team to take this up. And I have just added a vote on your behalf, as well!

    Thanks for letting us know that this is something that'd be valuable for you. I'll look forward to following the discussion on this!

    ref: IDEA-I-156

  • RobAW
    Community Member

    This would be very useful, especially if it could be combined with a reminder notification that would alert us on our devices. Then we could set expiry dates for sensitive passwords, with a reminder to change them …or a reminder to renew important documents like passports.

  • Hi @RobAW, I'm happy to add a vote for you. Thanks for the +1 and your comments here!

  • projca
    Community Member

    I would appreciate this feature too! thanks

  • chancock
    Community Member

    Hi @PeterG_1P, can you please add a vote for me as well? This is the one thing that we find lacking at the moment and would be a tremendous help.

  • Votes added for you, @chancock, and @projca as well. Thank you for providing this feedback! 🙏

  • Here is a workaround. Watchtower will report on any expiration date found in categories Credit Card, API Credential, Driver License, Outdoor License, Membership, and Passport. For categories Credit Card, Driver License, and Membership, the expiration date is in Month/Year format and in categories API Credential, Outdoor License, and Passport the expiration date is in Date (MM/DD/YYYY) format. Whenever I want Watchtower to track the expiration date of an item, I create an entry in category Outdoor License and link that entry to the original entry. For example, for a software license for Widget software, I create entry "Widget Software License" in category Software License and then create entry "Widget Software License Expiration" in category Outdoor license. I then link the two entries by following the directions found in the following article: https://support.1password.com/link-items/

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Thank you @tardyMOSvellumstove.

    Neat and clever but should not be necessary.

    +1 to the list a is a sop to the user base. @DaveTeare and his troops are convinced theirs is the only path so changes depend on the "great plan" which like the laws of the Medes and Persians is not for changing by anyone and especially not by users.

  • Hello @Andrew42,

    Thanks for your feedback and vote. I've passed these details along to the product team.

    ref: IDEA-I-156

  • ali1
    Community Member

    +1 vote from me for "especially if it could be combined with a reminder notification that would alert us on our devices. Then we could set expiry dates for sensitive passwords, with a reminder to change them …or a reminder to renew important documents like passports."

  • YellowVista
    Community Member

    +1 vote. Many of the systems I use enforce mandatory password changes, and it is a pain to change some of them if the password expires before I change it. My old password manager had this feature, and it would be great if 1Password had a way to add an expiration date field too.

  • @ali1 and @YellowVista

    Thank you for the feedback, I've passed along your requests. 🙂

    I did want to mention that regular password changes for no other reason but because an amount of time has passed is no longer recommended as a security practice by many cybersecurity experts and organizations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). But I do understand how a reminder feature would be helpful for those websites that do still make password changes mandatory.


    ref: PB-31048523
    ref: PB-31048566

  • YellowVista
    Community Member

    @Dave_1P: I did want to mention that regular password changes for no other reason but because an amount of time has passed is no longer recommended as a security practice by many cybersecurity experts and organizations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). But I do understand how a reminder feature would be helpful for those websites that do still make password changes mandatory.

    Thanks! 😀 ... Ironically, it is mostly federal government accounts/websites that force me to change my password regularly. 🤦‍♂️

  • Hopefully progress will continue to occur in this area. 🙂


  • TomBurri
    Community Member

    Ich würde ein Feld Ablaufdatum in allen Kategorien auch sehr begrüssen. Wenn es dann noch im Watchtower auswertbar wäre, dann wäre 1Password einen weiteren Schritt der Perfektion nahe!

    Ich habe sehr oft den Fall, insbesondere im Businiess-Umfeld, dass "normale" Logins nur eine beschränkte Lebenszeit haben. Auch sollte man in gewissen Abständen die Passwörter ohnehin ändern...

    Ein Update diesbezüglich wäre für mich ein Wahnsinns Fortschritt und enorm Hilfreich!


    I would also really like an expiry date field in all categories. If it could also be evaluated in the Watchtower, then 1Password would be one step closer to perfection!

    I very often have the case, especially in the business environment, that "normal" logins only have a limited lifetime. You should also change your passwords at certain intervals anyway...

    An update on this would be amazing progress for me and enormously helpful!


  • @TomBurri

    Ich habe Ihr Feedback an das Team weitergeleitet. 🙂

    I've passed along your feedback to the team. 🙂


    ref: PB-32199966

  • Ronso
    Community Member

    +1 from me.
    Working in many customer environments where password changes are mandatory.

  • @Ronso

    Thank you for adding your voice. 🙂


    ref: PB-32715401

  • ptalsma
    Community Member

    This would be very helpful, please add this in combination with a reminder option

  • @ptalsma

    Thank you for the suggestion, I've passed it along to the team. 🙂


    ref: PB-32948448

  • KRKA01
    Community Member

    +1 from me to.

    Even if mandatory change of password based only on time is not recommended by NIST etc, anymore, there is still other regulation that require us to do so to be in compliance, like PCI-DSS and Swift

  • @KRKA01

    Thank you for the suggestion. 🙂


    ref: PB-32969961

  • dwalker3rd
    Community Member
    edited May 2023

    realized there was a solution to my scenario after i posted, but am unable to delete my post. thanks to the above for the discussion that made me realize the solution!

  • @dwalker3rd

    I'm happy that you found a solution. Don't hesitate to write in again if you have any other questions or requests. 🙂


  • isme_es
    Community Member

    GitHub fine-grained personal access tokens and Azure DevOps personal access tokens force you to choose an expiry date.

    Each service may email expiry reminders to the email address associated with the token. If the token belongs to an automation account, for whatever reason I may not get the notification.

    So it would be great to have a reminder built into 1Password. I'm more likely to notice a notification from 1Password because it is always running on my computer.

  • @isme_es

    Thank you for sharing how an expiry notification would be useful for you. I've passed your comments along to the team. 🙂


    ref: PB-33548049

  • tunoku
    Community Member

    +1 on this feature request.
    This is quite essential when managing tokens from cloud services, as they very often have mandatory expiry dates. Either set in date or in duration (e.g. 180 days).
    Having the expiry dates included in 1Password would help us proactively rotate the secrets before they expire.

    For example KeePass has this feature already, and let's users to sort passwords by expiry date to find our secrets that are going to be expired first. On top of this, some kind of alerting functionality would be great to have in 1Password.

  • @tunoku

    Thank you for adding your use case, I've passed along your request and comments to the team internally. 🙂


    ref: PB-36243805

  • AntonyBE
    Community Member

    +1 on this feature request also.

  • @AntonyBE

    Thank you, I've passed your request along to the team.


    ref: PB-36590565