Feature request: Expiry date field



  • komrad
    Community Member

    That fixed it! I always wondered what to do with tokens or passwords where there isn't a username , only a secret.

  • @komrad

    I'm happy that my suggestion helped. 🙂


  • @Andrew42

    Your requests and feedback are important and are never ignored. Which features are implemented (and when) depends on a variety of factors that include: consideration for our existing product roadmap and planned features, urgent bug fixes that need to be prioritized over feature requests, available development resources, other customer feedback, and more.

    Our product team considers every request but isn't able to guarantee which requests will be put into development or how quickly they'll be released.


  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Thank you for your response. If your list of considerations is in priority other customer feedback is pretty far down the list. It isn't as though the expiry date request is recent. Whence my comment that it is taking too long to percolate up to where something is actually implemented. I live in hope.

  • @Andrew42

    The list isn't necessarily in order of priority and customer feedback is always taken into consideration when planning the product roadmap. My colleagues and I on the support team will continue to make sure that the product team hears that you'd like to see expiry dates become available in more types of items. 🙂


    ref: PB-39423766

  • kaymiller
    Community Member
    edited June 2024

    +1 on the expiry flag and alert pls!! This is very much needed in a corporate environment to help effectively manage password rotations for a global password vault. Can't wait to see it available! :)

  • ag_tommy
    edited June 2024

    Thanks @kaymiller I've passed along your desire for this feature to the products team.

    ref: PB-40435018

  • Aneesh04
    Community Member

    We have 60 users on 1Password and have moved recently over from another password manager. Really really missing the expiry date field on entries along with some functionality to identify which entries are expiring in x days from current date.

    The previous tool would create an alert for all users that had access to the entry.

  • ag_tommy
    edited June 2024

    Thanks for letting us know this is something that would benefit you @Aneesh04 I'll advocate for your position with the products team.

    ref: PB-40564788

  • green4parrot
    Community Member

    I raised the question of a review date or expiry date years ago and at the time the support person said it was a good idea but there has been no progress. In fact it is harder to locate "old" passwords under this version 8 model. Having had a nasty problem with spam on a a particular email address I have been laboriously changing a large chunk of my 1P database. It is when you do this some of these issues come to the forefront, ... and there's no workaround that’s not cumbersome. It really is time to do something in this area beyond the polite corporate talk.

  • Thanks @green4parrot

    I shared this internally this morning! All we, here in the community, can do is share your feedback. Another team is responsible for the decision making. I've made sue they are aware. I could benefit from it myself.

  • YellowVista
    Community Member

    @green4parrot: It really is time to do something in this area beyond the polite corporate talk.

    I agree 100%.

    I've been a 1Password user for many years, have promoted 1Password in security presentations at conferences, have caused many other people to become 1Password users, and manage my employer's 1Password Business subscription (which the company purchased at my direction). The problem I see is that it appears that 1Password has become much less responsive to user feedback than in the past.

    This is a feature that many people have requested and would benefit from, and it would be a trivially easy feature to add. (The "Expiring Items" concept is already implemented in Watchtower for credit cards.) .... The only conclusion I can draw is that the 1Password team responsible for product development doesn't actually listen to or care about feedback from their paying customers.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    To use a Password standard phrase: Plus one for this. I so agree with you that I have been forced into the position of thinking that any development which actually solves a problem that users have surfaced is purely accidental. The development team have been given a direction and from it they will not stray. Sad.

  • The team takes a myriad of things into consideration, including security, projects in progress, and projects that need a resolution of issue A before feature B can be implemented. What appears to be a straight forward process may involve a lot of consideration and planning. Requests such as this are also reviewed and carefully evaluated. 1Password 8 has made a lot of things possible that were not possible in earlier versions. Thanks for sharing that this is an important part of how you use 1Password.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    Thank you @ag_Tommy, Dave_1P said similar stuff to me in April. What gets under my skin is that this is probably the most requested missing feature talked about by your users over the last months/years. Since the concept of expiry dates already exists in the system, I need to be convinced that this is a complex refinement that will have been three years in the pipeline even if it gets implemented this year. I do not understand why 1P cannot come out with a statement of intent even if a strict deadline is not offered. The more 1P prevaricates about this, the worse will be the fall in reputation of 1P. I read the update comments every time they come out. I am delighted to see that LastPass is no longer monopolising the changes being announced as that may mean more time can be devoted to adding features to 1P for the benefit of existing 1P users instead of trying to attract old Last Pass users.

  • wsgatesnz
    Community Member

    Having used 1Password for a lifetime I have to add my disappointment that the request for an expiry date field in category items is not available in most. Its incomprehensible that with growing software subscriptions to track and digital memberships & rewards it should be a must have feature. I agree with almost all comments in this thread. I have loved 1Password since the day I first found it, but feel the single user is not so valued as it was when 1Password was in its infancy. I live in NZ and the cost of the subscription is getting way too high. In addition the feature set does not seem to grow that fast. As a lifetime MAC user I may have to seriously look at the next MacOS for my password management. I am bored with seeing this small request for an expiry field treated as though it will take years of development to provide.

  • green4parrot
    Community Member
    1. Yes I agree @wsgatesnz with your comments and the cost issue. I suppose it is understandable, but I often think that little thought is given to the impact of subscription or costs on localities that have lower standards of living than the USA and then compounded by disadvantageous exchange rates.

    2. This expiry date issue has gone on for years and we now deserve a better explanation beyond the obvious about balancing competing development demands. I have had this experience with other developers re enhancements or even bugs and have eventually had the dawning realisation that nothing would be done. In that event it was probable that the developer always knew these matter were a long shot!

    3. I understand the challenges here, but the unknown team that work on this must have some sort of coherent roadmap, so they should be able to say something worthwhile here! This expiry date thing has been on the table for years, so it not be unreasonable to assume that movement on this is unlikely, ... and make decisions accordingly.

    4. If on the balance of probabilities nothing is going to be done on this matter in the foreseeable future 1P should say so, rather than endlessly leaving the matter in an ambiguous cloud of words.

  • ag_tommy
    edited June 2024

    We typically do not comment on upcoming features or even the possibility. Each of your comments has been shared with the team where they will be reviewed.

    The best place (arguably) to be aware of new and upcoming features is within our betas. We also have a labs section of the community. We welcome you to visit it and perhaps join in the discussions.

    We appreciate your support.

    ref: PB-40662128
    ref: PB-40662234
    ref: PB-40662272

  • YellowVista
    Community Member

    @Max_ag Thanks for sharing! This looks really promising!

  • AntonyBE
    Community Member

    @Max_ag Thank you for this excellent news!

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    This is seriously good news. I look forward to finding it the Beta

  • wsgatesnz
    Community Member

    @Max_ag Can I add my thanks as well and a big thank you for sharing. This one thing will now transform how I use 1Password. Setting reminders in other apps was getting very messy.
    I am a beta version user on my MacOS MacBook Pro and would like to use the beta on my iOS devices, but TestFlight says it's full. Any chance I can be added?

  • Max_ag
    1Password Alumni

    @wsgatesnz This feature isn't actually likely to go to beta which we normally reserve for big new changes that require special testing.

    The most likely approach for this one is that we'll run a short Labs experiment to test it and iron out any kinks and the we'll begin a roll out to our users I am aiming for this to all happen within this coming quarter.

    You can opt in to each Labs experiments from any of your devices in the settings area of the app. I don't have any control over who gets access to testflight but someone from support may be able to give you more information about that request :)

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    @Max-ag. An interesting choice of words. I do not believe you mean what you appeared to write. If you mean this Expiry Date change is not a big change people may wonder why 1P has taken so long to bring it in. If you mean that it is a big change but that it doesn't require Beta testing, again it makes one wonder why it has taken so long to percolate through the list of improvements requested by users.
    Don't get me wrong, I am delighted the end of the tunnel is in sight.

  • As to TestFlight the spots go like hotcakes. We only have a limited number of spots available for testers. I'm sorry I don't have better news to share. That said, we do remove folks who do not participate. Those spots do open up occasionally.

    Here are a few thoughts from someone who has been there as a user trying to get into the beta.

    1. Check often. Check multiple times a day.
    2. iOS public betas are almost upon us. Keep checking. I suspect we'll need new folks to help with the new OS.
    3. Once you are a part of the beta, the best way to remain, in my opinion, is to keep providing feedback.

    If you notice anything, please send feedback. Even if others have reported a bug, the logs you submit may hold the key. I can attest to that personally. My logs held the key to resolving one such bug. Seemingly, I was the only one out of all the testers who could reproduce a crash on demand every time. So yes, each of you could be a vital part of the group.

  • Max_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Andrew42, thanks for your comment. As Tommy, Dave and others said, we make decisions around prioritisation based on a number factors, difficulty of change is one of them but that also doesn't mean that easy changes are always implemented first.

    I can't speak to the all the reasons it wasn't historically implemented, but what I can say is that I now lead the team that is reponsible for what we internally call "Item Management". I have a dedicated team that's main purpose is to improve the quality of life around everything to do with what you store in 1Password and my roadmap is all about this kind of feature, giving users more control and flexibility over what they want to store in 1Password.

  • Andrew42
    Community Member

    @Max_ag. Congratulations on your appointment and role. I have been a member of the Beta group for a while now and am also on the nightly version so while I am far from expert, I use 1P a lot. I rarely gripe but am delighted to hear that the expiry date issue will soon be in the past. It has been around for years and far too long. Good luck.

  • green4parrot
    Community Member

    @Max_ag yes delighted to hear the review date function is on its way.

    Being just in the middle of a laborious 1P database review, it is top of mind what might hang off a review date. In particular I would want to review items that seem more risky. For example items where my credit card is linked or items where there is no two factor authentitication or secondary method of ID check. I know many users tackle this type of issue with tags. I find tags have a habit of getting out of hand so I am inclined to think dealing with this within items is the best approach, ... but I am not certain re this. The payment issue is often mention in various forums so I am sure not new to you.

    It is a tricky matter because database management can get out of hand and in general simplicity is a virtue. I wish someone has the golden solution on offer.

  • tomabg
    Community Member

    Great, hope this Feature coming soon