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1Password for Mac 8.8.0 unable to move fields around

Community Member

Wow. I don't know who thought this was a good idea to remove the ability to move fields around in v8 but... This is a HUGE necessity... Please add that capability back into the app.

1Password Version: 8.8.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 12.5 (21G72)
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:1Password for Mac 8.8.0 unable to move fields around



  • joel_wraight
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Hi 1Password,

    Hope you are well. I am not sure whether or not this is the best place to put a feature request but I saw another person put one here so thought I would.

    I have a really crucial feature request that is really important to me and a lot of other people. Something that worked fine and existed in V7 but not in V8. I and many others store A LOT of information in 1Password. Some login objects contain dozens of sections and fields. Especially my server objects. I am still running V7 because V8 has removed the ability to move sections and fields up and down. This is absolutely critical when it comes to organisation and management of the information contained within the product and objects. Both for personal and business users.

    I have used 1Password since it was a perpetual purchase on iOS. Many, many, many years. I currently have 923 objects inside my personal vault. However, this feature is so important to me that I will have no choice but to move away from 1Password to a different product if V8 doesn't introduce it. I am a self employed IT Systems Engineer / MSP. I recommend & procure products like 1Password to many of my customers. But currently, I can't recommend the 1Password product given V8. I have just finished a contract for a company called [removed by moderator per request]. You will be able to see on your systems that we had a Business Trial with yourselves but chose not to go ahead. This issue with the section and field movement is a big reason why we couldn't go ahead. We were worried once V7 was depreciated completely that we would be stuck with V8 and have no ability to organise our data contained within the product.

    It would take me months and months to migrate my 1Password data to someone else such as Keeper so I really, really do not want to do this but I will have no choice if section and field movement isn't reintroduced into V8. It feels like V8 has prioritised aesthetics and minimalism over functionality. The V8 product looks amazing, it really does, but is currently unusable to me and so many others.

    I really, really hope you will pass this request onto the relevant teams. I passed this information onto our Business Account Manager with yourselves during the trial but we didn't hear anything back. I also emailed this same feedback to your support team some time ago who said they had passed it onto the relevant people. I also didn't hear anything back from them.

    All the best,

    Joel Wraight

  • Hi @joel_wraight

    I appreciate your passion for 1Password, and your desire to use it to organize your secure data. Re-ordering custom fields/sections is on our roadmap to reimplement in 1Password 8, but we don't have an ETA.


    ref: IDEA-I-372 ref:

  • gasses_bird
    Community Member

    The new field in the section is only appended to the bottom of the list.

    I don't see an option for reordering but I see past posts that mentioned the feature has been added.

    1Password Version: 8.7.0
    Extension Version: 8.7.0
    OS Version: 12.3.1

  • Hi @gasses_bird, we don't currently have a feature to re-order fields in 1Password 8, but this is a popular request and one we are now working on. I have just put in a vote on your behalf - thank you for letting us know that this is something you find useful!

    ref: IDEA-I-372

  • gasses_bird
    Community Member

    Thank you. I am looking forward to the feature being added.

  • Happy to help, @gasses_bird. ๐Ÿค

  • spadger1066
    Community Member

    If anyone also has the Windows version as well, you can reorder them there and it will then sync back to your Mac.

  • tetardbleu
    Community Member

    Please add my vote too ! The last comment from @spadger1066 made me wonder something. I thought that one big advantage of rewriting your apps using the same 1password core code, was features parity ? So why the Windows app can do things the Mac app can't (yet)?

  • ag_tommy
    edited May 2022


    Gotcha for sure! Thanks. The Mac version is just getting started. There is more to come. :)

  • ag_tommy
    edited May 2022


    Same traffic. I've added your voice in the mix. Thanks.

    ref: IDEA-I-372

  • finbarroconnor
    Community Member

    Mac How do I rearrange Fields?

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Referrer: forum-search:1Password 8 for Mac How do I rearrange Fields?

  • PeterG_1P
    edited June 2022

    Hi @finbarroconnor, thanks for this question.

    The ability to rearrange fields isn't currently present in 1Password 8 - however it should be making a return, due to customer demand.

    One of our founders, Dave Teare, spoke to this in a forum discussion in early May of this year:

    The latest release does not have support for reordering fields. This is something we're actively exploring and I expect will be added in the not-to-distant future. While a lot of work remains, I wanted to share that the design team has designed how this feature will look and feel and the dev team has gotten things far enough along that I was able to see a video of it in action. Again, I need to stress a lot of work remains and this will not be included in the immediate future, but I wanted to share that it has bubbled up on our priority list.

    As for "why", reordering of fields was something we deliberately left out of 1Password 8 during the design process as we were hoping to simplify things. I was hopeful that we could win with a "less is more" approach but I found myself missing this feature as much as you are. I'm happy that we tried and I'm happy that we changed our minds. Live and learn. ๐Ÿ™

    I hope that answers your question. We recognize that this is something that folks find useful, it's a highly requested feature, and it's coming. We appreciate hearing from you!

  • RkR
    Community Member

    Thanks Ben!
    I'm also in the same situation as @joel_wraight with 938 items stored in 1Password.
    I therefore look forward to the reintroduction of the possibility of re-ordering fields and sections in a personalized way.

  • joel_wraight
    Community Member

    Yeah, i'm still hoping it will be introduced soon. Seems like something quite strange to leave out the mainstream release of V8. I'd imagine it's quite an important part of the program for a lot of people. I'm still using V7 because of this and hoping V7 support isn't stopped until V8 introduces this feature. I have a Linux / Ubuntu PC as well, but V7 isn't supported at all any longer on Ubuntu so I have to use the web version when using that PC. Which isn't great :(

  • Safety
    Community Member

    i totally agree to joel...
    Please reimplement it very soon. Miss it.

  • Hi @Safety / @joel_wraight / @RkR:

    Thanks for your feedback! I've shared your thoughts on the internal item Ben mentioned above.


  • RkR
    Community Member

    Hi Jack !
    I am looking at the 8.8 update for macOS but, if I'm not mistaken, the possibility to move Section & Field has not yet been included.

  • @RkR

    I'm sorry to say it has not. I can let the team know you remain interested.

  • RkR
    Community Member

    Thanks Tommy.
    Yes, I can confirm that I am interested in the reintroduction of that function.

  • You're welcome and by the way I'm right there with you, so I'll keep on bringing it up too. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • RkR
    Community Member

    Thanks again, Tommy.

  • Safety
    Community Member

    And I am also still interested as I described above ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Hi @guylepage3:

    Thanks for your feedback on this. While I can't promise a specific timeline, what I can tell you is that it's actively being worked on. Keep an eye out for updates.


    ref: IDEA-I-372

  • Got it. :) Thanks!


  • jinux_go
    Community Member

    another vote here!

  • Thanks, @jinux_go. This is something we all agree needs to happen, and I'm hopeful it'll be one of the very next things we tackle. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป


  • RkR
    Community Member

    Hi Ben !
    I am a bit afraid to update to 1Password 8 for iOS: in the new version of the App has the possibility to manually sort fields and sections been retained?

  • Hi @RkR:

    Thanks for following up. It currently isn't in 1Password 8, but I'm hopeful we'll be tackling it soon.


  • RkR
    Community Member

    Thanks for the immediate reply, dear Jack.

    I will then wait to update the App.


  • bthoma
    Community Member

    Another vote here. I would like to add that we used to be able to (in 1Password 7) change the field type (text, phone, date, etc.) after the field was created. Not being able to move the field nor edit the field type seems like a step back in this upgrade to 1Password 8.

    Is there a way for us to know if/when these features are updated?

This discussion has been closed.