My 1 password 8 does not open and fill. There is no tab for favourites on Iphone.

Community Member
edited August 2022 in iOS

It's not working. When I used it ti log on on Iphone amd Ipad, it opens but does not fill logon and PW. There is no heading for favourites on the iphone. There is no alphabet to search by.
I have emailed 1PW twice, and started a chat, and they will not respond to me.
If I have to reenter over 100 PW and logons, I will use another program.

1Password Version: 8..9.2
Extension Version:
OS Version: ios
Browser:_ chrome
Referrer: forum-search:1password8 is terrible


  • ag_tommy
    edited August 2022


    The same people who reply here also reply via email. I'm sorry we haven't gotten back to you. We are working on getting to everyone as soon as possible.
    It sounds like you would want to use the customized home screen option. I believe you likely have favorites disabled. There is not a banner like in the previous version with the alphabet down the side. We are actively listening to our users, and this is a highly requested feature. I can't make a forecast, but this does seem like something we could possibly include in a future build.

    Have you enabled auto-fill? With this being a new app, you would likely want to go through the setting and make sure all is to your liking. Use 1Password to fill and save on your iPhone and iPad

    I am going to reply to your email in just a moment. We'll then have a direct line of communication going. I'm going to close this conversation to prevent duplication of efforts.

This discussion has been closed.