iOS Safari Extension obscures fields with "No suggestions" popover

Community Member
edited September 2022 in iOS

Overall I've been really happy with the iOS Safari extension, but one problem I keep encountering is that the "no items to show" popover from the extension when I'm viewing an address field, for example, ends up obscuring the top one or two results of the automated address fields that a lot of sites use now. (where you start typing your address and it shows you the full info for what it thinks you meant). And even if it does have info to show (like my stored home address), most of those autofill pages don't work with the exact choice of characters I have in the 1P autofill.

In my case, the top 2 are almost always the ones I need and on a lot of pages, in trying to get rid of the 1Password popover I also dismiss the actual address suggestions from the site itself.

I'd love to either have an easy way to dismiss that popover without affecting the underlying page (or not show it at all if it, in fact, has no suggestions anyway), or just display that in some other way (maybe a badge on the 1P icon in the field or something?)

1Password Version: 8.9.5
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 16.0.2
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi @baggend

    Thanks very much for giving us your feedback on this – I'll pass it on to the team who manage 1Password in Safari for iOS. We're always keen to hear real feedback from customers about their usage of 1Password and this helps inform the discussions we have about any possible new features or changes.

    You can tap the 1Password icon in the form field to toggle the menu on or off if you do find that it's in the way, like this:


    Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like any further help. :)

    — Grey

    ref: dev/core/core#9970

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