Shortcuts support

Community Member

It would be great to have support for Shortcut actions in my case for macOS (but iOS would be cool too).

The ability to grab info from various entries (username, notes, password, custom fields etc…) for tying into Automation

And l search for various entries similar to what has for actions in Shortcuts


  • snowy
    Community Member

    One additional item would be Create New Item (and generate password). I have encountered apps that just don't support things like autofill correctly. It would be cool to run a Shortcut action, which I could populate and tick off when you create this entry tell 1P generate a password. And the return value could be something like UUID to the clipboard.

  • snowy
    Community Member

    Another use case is create a secure note. Some sites provide you a pin or code or snippet of info I want to save. So if I could run a shortcut which would take the copied text, url, page title and it would create a secure note. Or screenshot I took and want to attach it to an entry.

    So on macOS would be good to have the same option to use these shortcuts.

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