why do i have to use copy and paste fir website user names and passwords.1Password automatically ent

Using Safari PLUS Duck Duck Go....

why do i have to use copy and paste my established user names and passwords when logging into SOME web sites.

In other words, when I select [click on] an established 1Password Login URL, the program will automatically take me to the selected website and "AUTOMATICALLY" enter both my user name & password for that URL.

However, most Login URL that I have set up in 1Password will NOT automatically complete that process.

I have to manually [on my Mac] us the COMMAND PLUS TAB keys to toggle back to eat 1Password Login item; then copy & paste both the user ID, then the password and toggle back the the URL sing in page and past that information to enter the website.

What am I doing incorrectly? Shouldn't all login's be AUTOMATIC on set up in 1Password?

Thank you,

Tim Carr

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Referrer: forum-search:why do i have to use copy and paste fir website user names and passwords.1Password automatically entering my "user name and passwords" instead of me having to "manually copy & paste [from 1Password Login ITEM] for various websites.


  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @foghorn1, I'm sorry that things are not filling well for you in Safari. Could you share an example of the website where you're seeing this issue? Are you clicking to open and fill the login from the 1Password app or extension?

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