why do i have to use copy and paste fir website user names and passwords.1Password automatically ent
Using Safari PLUS Duck Duck Go....
why do i have to use copy and paste my established user names and passwords when logging into SOME web sites.
In other words, when I select [click on] an established 1Password Login URL, the program will automatically take me to the selected website and "AUTOMATICALLY" enter both my user name & password for that URL.
However, most Login URL that I have set up in 1Password will NOT automatically complete that process.
I have to manually [on my Mac] us the COMMAND PLUS TAB keys to toggle back to eat 1Password Login item; then copy & paste both the user ID, then the password and toggle back the the URL sing in page and past that information to enter the website.
What am I doing incorrectly? Shouldn't all login's be AUTOMATIC on set up in 1Password?
Thank you,
Tim Carr
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:why do i have to use copy and paste fir website user names and passwords.1Password automatically entering my "user name and passwords" instead of me having to "manually copy & paste [from 1Password Login ITEM] for various websites.