Request - Remove ".1password" Folder in User Directory

Community Member
edited May 16 in Windows


On Windows, 1Password 8 creates a ".1password" folder in the user directory (C:\Users\YourName). This looks bad and creates unnecessary clutter in an area that should be reserved for users' personal files. Would it be possible to remove this folder?

The suggestion was already made two years ago in this thread, but it doesn't seem like the behavior was changed.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hi @Swerve, thanks so much for reaching out about this!

    Our developers have been looking into whether improvements can be made here, although I don't have any updates to share just yet. I've added your feedback to the issue on on file to let the team know that this is important for you.

    While I can't make any promises as to if or when you might see this folder removed, you can keep an eye on our release notes for news on upcoming changes: 1Password Releases

    If you have any further questions or concerns, let us know!

    ref: dev/core/core#14856

  • Swerve
    Community Member

    Thank you @1P_Gem. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

  • On behalf of Gem, thanks again for the feedback! 🙂


  • waderlamprey
    Community Member
    edited May 25

    This request was also made in the Linux category by @xkww3n :

    That request was marked as [CLOSED] with no explanation or follow-up. Can anybody explain why?

    For that matter, can anybody explain why the two-year-old request from @Daniel1 in the Windows category (seconded by @Tertius3 and linked by OP @Swerve above)...

    [Please store configuration data in APPDATA


    ... was also marked as [CLOSED] with no explanation or follow-up?

    To quote @RogueScholar who I believe put it best:

    I know Rome wasn't built in a day and this is probably low-priority, but as the behavior is present on both Windows and Linux, I couldn't see this being mentioned without taking a moment to voice my full-throated support. Thanks, as always.

    As a fellow software and security professional (link so I am not hiding behind a keyboard), I ask you to conform to industry norms and not close user requests without resolution.

    As .1password is still in my %USERPROFILE% folder as of a fresh install on May 25, 2024, which led me back to this thread, and as I have not been able to find any documented resolution (which could also include be Won't Fix, but your users deserve your public attempt to justify that decision), as a user I would consider this request not resolved.

    Screenshot of .1password folder in %USERPROFILE%

  • @waderlamprey

    Thank you for the feedback and request. The request is still open internally in the team's backlog but I don't have any updates to share. I've passed along your comments to the team.

    That request was marked as [CLOSED] with no explanation or follow-up. Can anybody explain why?

    Our forum software automatically closes discussion threads if there's been no new activity for a few months. This is done to keep the forum tidy and to prevent old and no longer relevant threads about older versions of 1Password from being bumped and confusing folks. Even if a discussion thread has been closed, the issue is still open internally. 🙂
