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Forum Discussion

gthb's avatar
New Contributor
7 months ago

The iOS Safari extension crashes our web app


several users have reported that they encounter a full crash (meaning our catch-all error component is displayed instead of the document) in our webapp,, when opening GRID document pages in it, in Safari 17.5 and upwards, on iPhone, consistently, in any GRID document

... until they disabled the 1password extension in their Safari, at which time the documents loaded without problems.

They have further reported that the problem did not come back right away when they re-enabled the extension (possibly while something that loaded successfully was cached?), but it did come back later, when the extension had been re-enabled for some time.

The crash gets reported to Sentry as an exception with a single stack frame:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'n.features')
at @webkit-masked-url(://hidden/:42:68938)

and that @webkit-masked-url(://hidden/:*) pattern apparently indicates that the exception originates from extension code in Safari, see and

It is hard for us to troubleshoot this further, given this masking of the stack trace. But it seems clear that the cause (or certainly part of it) lies within the 1password Safari extension.

Our Sentry monitoring shows a small trickle of this same error earlier, exclusively in Safari on Mac (5 occurrences in June, 2 in July, 3 in August) but the iPhone occurrences started on Aug 10 (I see you released 8.10.38 on Aug 6) and are much more frequent, averaging 6-7 occurrences per day. The error has been seen from 53 distinct IP addresses, so not some lone outlier with a corrupted phone. Possibly the Mac occurrences are due to some other Safari extension, and just get lumped together with this because Sentry gets very little detail to use for the issue grouping.

You ought to be able to reproduce this problem by signing up on (it is free; a user has told me he does not get the problem when logged out) and visiting any GRID document in Safari 17.5+ with the 1password extension enabled, e.g. or some other public document listed at

Hope this help you narrow down the problem!

Gulli at GRID.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 17.5.1, 17.6, 17.6.1
Browser: Mobile Safari 17.5, 17.6

  • gthb

    I'm happy that you're no longer seeing the issue with the latest version of 1Password. If you receive any other reports then please ask your users to update: How to keep 1Password up to date

    And if you do see any reports of the same issue with 1Password for iOS 8.10.44 or later then let me know. 🙂


  • gthb's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi! I was not able to reproduce it, and indeed our Sentry tracking last recorded an occurrence of this on Sep 3 22:18 PST (previously multiple occurrences per day) --- and I notice that you released 8.10.44 that day! So whatever this was, it appears to be resolved already.

  • Hello gthb! 👋

    Thank you for reaching out, the team would certainly like to investigate this further. I'd like to ask you to reproduce the issue using 1Password for iOS 8.10.44 and then create a diagnostics report from the device that you used to reproduce the issue:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (iOS)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to

    With your email please include:

    Please send the entire file.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!
