Best way to convert Agile keychain to Cloud keychain?

Community Member


I'd like to convert my keychain in the Agile Keychain format to the new Cloud Keychain format to take advantage of some of the new features and added security. What is the best way to do this?



  • When you turn on either iCloud or Wi-Fi sync, it'll create the new Cloud Keychain format. Currently, Dropbox and Folder sync both use the old Agile Keychain format in order to remain compatible with other platforms that don't yet support Cloud Keychain.

    So as long as you are only using 1Password 4 (on Mac and/or iOS), simply switch to iCloud or Wi-Fi sync and you're upgraded.

    Here's a similar topic if you'd like to check it out as well:

  • MikeT
    edited October 2013

    Hi @tonyvance,

    Did JasperP's post help, he's right in how to switch over to the new cloud keychain format. Note that the Wi-Fi and iCloud syncs can only work between iOS and Macs, Dropbox is the only sync method that support cross-platforms for now.

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