MasterCard Credit Card Icons

Community Member

Does anyone know why some of the MasterCard icons associated with data show the front of the card and other ones show the back of the card? All of the VISA data I have loaded show only the fron of the card. -Tim


  • oshloel
    Community Member

    I think some probably are website login items and others (showing the back) are credit card category entries. The back of the card icon for cc category items seems to be generic to all cards, Visa, MC, Amex, etc. The login item icons seem to be specific to the company websites IF Agilebits has the icons on their image server.

  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited October 2013


    Sounds like you also may not have set the card type in the Credit Card section, if you fail to set it. Then it will show the back of the card. Enter edit mode and look for a card type field. Mine is immediately under the card number.

  • Hi @TimCollins82,

    Did thightower's suggestion of setting your card type fix the issue you're having? The back of the card is a generic icon, meaning 1Password doesn't know what type of card it is. If your card type is not one of the most popular types, we probably don't have an image for it. For those, if you can find a good image, you can just edit your credit card item, drag the image in the icon area and save it.

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