Creating extra 'Section's in a new 'Server' item

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User]
Community Member
edited October 2013 in Mac

When I create a new server item, there are a number of sections I can fill in:

My usecase is that I want to add multiple username/password accounts (>2) for that server (administrator, user1, user2, ssh user etc.). Is it possible to augment the number of sections that are initially available - at the moment I can only enter 2 accounts with a username and a concealed password field.


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited October 2013


    I don't think its possible to add a new section, yet. I believe it was planned but didn't make the cut for the initial release. But you can click on the field label and change it to what you wish etc in a given section. When you input data into those fields a new one will appear below that. I usually have to either press return of click out for the new field to show up.

    Please note even if you give it the name password it will not be concealed. Thats a bug limitation and AFAIK was scheduled to be fixed. I don't know the current status of it. Sorry.

  • MikeT
    edited October 2013

    Hi @tomahony,

    The inability to add a new section is a cosmetic issue, we'll fix it in a future update if we can find a better interface. If you add something in the section placeholder, a new section will pop up below:

    The custom types have not yet been implemented but will be in a future free update.

    Right now, what I recommend is that you create a blank item, add the custom fields (use a blank field as a section for now), and then save it with the name that says the item is a blank template. Whenever you need to create a new Server item based on that custom layout, just right-click on the blank template and select Duplicate. That should save you a lot of times recreating the same fields.

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