Crash and near crash

the 1P extension crashes on Windows/Chrome every time Chrome is restarted; although it works if you can click the pop up quickly enough on its second try, this is unprofessional. Can you please fix?

Also, for many sites, bringing up the 1P extension freezes for 30 seconds or so before doing its thing. This is a waste of time. Can this be fixed?

I see the same problem on four different Windows machines and so this is not unique to one machine.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry you're having that problem, Gary. While it's not unique to one machine, I haven't seen anything like that on either Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 running the latest Chrome and latest 1Password extension.

    I'll ask Development if they have any suggestions. Thanks for your patience!

  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, Gary. This sounds like an issue that we've seen several times with 1Password's extension on Mac in the last while. (It's the same extension but we've been primarily seeing it on Mac and only recently had reports of the issue with Windows.) So far, we've been able to reproduce it, but we haven't been able to diagnose the issue because we don't have access to the log messages that would indicate what happened. If you go to Chrome's Extensions window and check the Developer Mode checkbox, you should see a link to the _generated_background.html page. Would it be possible for you to either keep that window open to the Console tab or check if you can view the Console tab after the crash? On the Mac, the page can't be viewed after the crash until the extension is reloaded, but keeping the window open on the Mac prevents the crash from happening, so it's a bit of a catch-22 for us so far.

  • garyking
    Community Member

    it crashes 100% of the time that you reboot the machine; at that point, no windows are open and so what you suggest doesn't seem to be an option. this is annoying, but clicking once per reboot is less of a problem than having to wait 20-30 seconds EVERY TIME I click on the 1P icon to fill in a password; cahyou please tell me how we can fix that?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Does the same thing happen if you press Ctrl+\ rather than clicking on the 1Password icon?

  • garyking
    Community Member

    yes, although Ctrl+\ doesn't work that often

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2013

    Pressing Ctrl+\ doesn't bring up the 1Password extension, or pressing Ctrl+\ doesn't cause a crash the way clicking the 1P icon does?

  • garyking
    Community Member

    most of the time when I have a site with a PW ready to type in, pressing Ctrl-\ does nothing. sometimes it works, sometimes not. clicking on the 1P Icon works more often, but regularly everything (the cursor the extension everything) freezes for 20-30 seconds.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Gary, have you had an opportunity to try what Jamie requested above?

  • garyking
    Community Member

    If "Jamie" is Jxpx777, then it is not possible to follow this advice. I would show you a screen shot of the extensions page with developer mode in tact, but it doesn't seem to be possible in Chrome/windows to do a screen shot of the first item which is 1P. anyway, below is a text copy. _generated_background.html doesn't appear. Gary

    Developer mode
    Load unpacked extension... Pack extension...
    Update extensions now
    Password and identity manager for Mac, Windows, iOS and Android. Permissions Visit website
    ID: gkndfifopckmhdkohjeoljlbfnjhekfg
    Inspect views: background page

    Allow in incognito

    Not from Chrome Web Store.
    Allow in incognito

    Not from Chrome Web Store.

  • garyking
    Community Member

    I realize you mainly develop on the Mac, but do you have Windows machines in house? For all the questions I've asked, the problems I've described are on ALL my windows machines -- laptop, new desktop, old desktop, big desktop, etc. Do you recommend that people use your windows extensions or is 1P really only for Macs?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2013

    Gary, I use 1Password daily in Windows 7 and 8.1 (as well as on the Mac for personal use), and I've never been able to reproduce the problems you've asked about.

    As Jamie (jxpx777) explains above, we're having a difficult problem tracking down and eliminating a problem we can't consistently reproduce on either Windows or Mac OS.

    I'm sure you're frustrated—understandably so—and we'll make a fix available as soon as we have one. The lack of a fix, though, is no indication of a lack of interest or effort on our part, I assure you. I know that's no comfort, and we're not happy about it, either.

    I sincerely wish we had a more satisfactory answer for you, Gary.

  • garyking
    Community Member

    that's great. but can you please suggest something I can do? The first time I posted about this problem on this forum, it was 2011 and there seems to have been no progress since. why can't you add something to write a log file of some kind that I could send you perhaps?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2013

    I understand your frustration, Gary, but so far a solution has proven utterly elusive. We're trying to come up with one, and we'll make it available as soon as we do.

    I sincerely wish we had a more useful and satisfying answer for you, but I can only ask for your patience.

  • garyking
    Community Member

    of course its elusive; you have no audit trail, no way to replicate it, no attempt to collect information, no way to learn, and apparently no interest in solving the problem. if you'd really like to solve the problem, just add a way to collect information and we can help you. why is this a big deal? you claim all over the web that you have great customer service. why not help solve a very longstanding problem rather than ask for patience?

  • dteare
    edited November 2013

    Hi Gary,

    I'm sorry for the frustration. I couldn't agree with you more: having to wait 20-30 seconds is a terrible experience and I'm sorry this is happening to you. Let me explain a bit about why I think the problem is happening and then what we're going to do about it.

    The extension that you are using at the moment handles all the UI for 1Password, syncs information with the main app, fill forms, and also takes care of all the encryption and decryption tasks. Doing all this is normally fine but on some setups there have been issues, including slowness. Normally this slowness only affects the initial syncing of information, but it sounds like it is affecting you on every launch for some reason.

    To solve this issue, in the new 1Password 4 extension we have removed all the UI from the extension. This greatly reduces its complexity and makes everything much faster. Best of all it makes debugging a lot easier as well.

    Given the number of issues you've had, I'd love it if you could join our beta and let us know if it solves your issue. The 1Password 4 for Windows beta will be starting shortly and it would be great if you could join and test its performance on your setup. You can join the beta family here and then PM the email address you used to @DBrown so he can ensure you're invited as quickly as possible.

    Please give that a try so we can be sure we're on the right track.


  • garyking
    Community Member

    you 1password folks have the nicest demeanor in responding to messages of any customer service group, but you almost never actually make anything happen with the product. this particular bug has existed for years (i've posted on this forum about it in 2011), and your idea now is that some day i'll be able to try a beta test product and then start to describe the problem again? why don't you just fix the bug? (Or why don't I just try one of your competitors!) or how about the bug where the entire monitor goes blank and is inaccessable when opening secure notes? that bug has also been a fixed feature of 1password for years. how about you tell us about your development process that produces such nonresponsiveness? do you contract out all windows work? what's the story?

  • Hi Gary,

    Thank you for the compliment! We aim to have the best demeanour possible, and I'm glad it shows :)

    I agree this is very frustrating, and I truly apologize. I'm very upset at how many issues we've encountered using our full-fledged HTML 5 browser extension UI and its associated HTML database. It didn't break for everyone, and in fact it worked for most people, but when it didn't work it was very hard to troubleshoot and this is one of the primary reasons we rewrote this entirely in 1Password 4.

    As for the entire monitor going blank, I am not familiar with that one myself. I'll ask the team if they've seen it. Does it happen on every secure note or just one or two in particular?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Just an additional data point: I can view and edit Secure Note items in 1Password without any odd monitor behavior.

    @garyking, do you happen to have a link to your earlier thread regarding this problem? I'd like to refresh my memory of what we've tried.


  • garyking
    Community Member

    Its very nice that you've rewritten 1password to version 4, but those of us on windows are still on version 1.x.x.x....
    the monitor going black is completely replicable; it happens every time. I only have one secure note and haven't experimented with others for this reason.
    I originally raised problems with the windows 1P extension in Nov 2011 and @dbrown responded to me then -- again with very nice emails and absolutely no progress.
    it appears like you all work on Macs, contracted out the windows version, and so have no way to check bugs that occur all the time there; or maybe those who answer emails don't get to speak to the developers.
    sorry to bring up another controversial issue for you, but have you tried your competitors? I suggest lastpass, which I've been experimenting with for the past week: it is clunky, but it works on platforms that 1P doesn't try to work on (chromebooks for example); and it actually does what it says it does. plus it is FAR better at filling in forms, puts options right in the box where they are needed, and has a nice import-from-1P option.

  • GlobalCop
    Community Member

    Holy cow, I really should have visited these forums before I paid for the software. I could have avoided a ton of problems. This stuff is inexcusable for a simple app designed to make keeping passwords easy. You guys are way in over your head. Step back an reevaluate what you're doing. By the way, how do I get a refund? 2 days with this and I am about to smash something.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2013

    @garyking and @GlobalCop, thanks for your comments. Clearly you are frustrated, and I understand that.

    Those of us on the 1Password for Windows team do, of course, work with 1Password in Windows, both the current (1.x) version and the 1Password 4 beta in development.

    @garyking, I still am not able to reproduce any such behavior when viewing or editing Secure Note items. I can only wonder whether something in the note might be causing the problem, but I can't know without replicating the data here. If you want to send us the content of your Secure Note item, please direct it to (assuming you don't want to post confidential info in the forum). I also don't have access to the account under which I might've corresponded with you before, so I'd still be grateful if you have a link to the thread.

    @GlobalCop, just send e-mail to, letting us know that you'd like a refund, and we'll get the process started as quickly as possible. Thank you for trying 1Password!

  • garyking
    Community Member

    Sending you a copy of my secure note by email is an awfully bad idea! But it is entirely text; there is nothing else in the note but ASCII characters. Moreover, the problem is that you need to bring 1P up to professional standards of monitoring, bug fixes, etc. This would be easy. You make it save a debug file when it crashes or a log of everything but confidential information. Then I could send you that, or you could collect it automatically. You can't replicate anything because you are not following anything close to remotely best practices. As @GlobalCop wrote, "Step back an reevaluate what you're doing."

    And @dbrown and @dteare, the issue is not that your customers are "frustrated" or that you acknowledge how we feel -- our emotions are not the issue here and you shouldn't be trying to make them the issue. Fixing the product is what will make us happy. Since doing this will also make you a lot more money, I don't know why you're ignoring that. Perhaps it is your business model where you have no incentive to help your paid customers, since they've already paid? Or maybe you are going out of business, don't have the funds to invest to fix the product, and don't want to say. If you can't fix the product, some transparency would be useful.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2013

    Actually, we've tried to present all the facts, acknowledge your frustration and accept responsibility for the problems that have caused that frustration, and assure you that we're doing everything we can to resolve the issues that have arisen. At this point, I don't know what more I can say besides, "We're sorry." Believe me, the moment we can say, "Everything is fixed," we will.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2013

    Sending you a copy of my secure note by email is an awfully bad idea! But it is entirely text; there is nothing else in the note but ASCII characters.

    I'm having a hard time reproducing this problem. If you could send me something then I promise I'll do everything I can to fix this problem for you.

    stefan AT agilebits DOT com

  • garyking
    Community Member

    Sending you ascii, unprotected versions of my secure notes makes no sense. please put something in the software to catch your bugs, or save state; this is a trivial development task and will save you and your customers considerable time. Is there some reason you can't do this?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2013

    Help > Diagnostics Report does exactly that, @garyking, but it doesn't send the content of your Secure Note item or anything else that's part of your 1Password data, because (a) it doesn't have access to your data (that data is inaccessible without the master password), and (b) it would be a breach of security to transmit your private data.

    That's why we have to ask you to send us what we think might help us track down a problem. That, too, may be unacceptable to you, but it's far better than simply taking your data without asking permission, as I'm sure you'll agree.

    One possible alternative would be to save, zip, and password-protect the content of the Secure Note item, and send it and the password to Stefan in separate messages. We'll certainly understand if you choose not to do that! We won't look at your data without your permission, though.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    please put something in the software to catch your bugs, or save state

    We are doing this. Whenever an exception occurs, we generate a diagnostics report (including the call stack) and this is then sent to us (if you allow this to happen in the error dialog that comes up).

    For some reason, this bug of yours does not generate an exception (no crash). Other than asking you to please assist us in reproducing the problem, I'm afraid we're going to have a hard time finding the cause.

  • Hi Gary,

    I cannot be 100% certain as I have no crash logs to compare but I believe I have fixed the issue where the Chrome extension crashes. I finally managed to recreate this crash consistently on my local machine and resolved it. The lynchpin to recreating it was to have no tabs open (and therefore no windows) when waking from sleep. There are likely other ways to trigger this crash so I'm hopeful they will help your situation as well.

    The changes have been bundled into 3.9.21 beta 2. We will leave this in beta so our team has a chance to verify the fix but I hope to be able to publish the official release next week.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Gary and @GlobalCop, this has been marked as "fixed"; as soon as it's available, please install the beta extension (from the Browsers tab of 1Password preferences), and let us know whether it resolves the problem for you.

    Thanks for your patience!

This discussion has been closed.