1PasswordAnywhere Failing on Secondary Vault
I have both my primary vault and a 2nd vault synced to different folders in Dropbox. The primary vault is stored in the default 1Password Folder location. The 2nd vault is stored in a folder named 1PWShared & is shared with my wife's DB account.
I can activate 1PW Anywhere from a browser accessing my DB account just fine for the primary vault stored in the 1Password folder; however, 1PW Anywhere fails on the 2nd vault with the following system error message
"A problem occurred when loading the "https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/1PWShared/Shared.agilekeychain/data/default/encryptionKeys.js" file.".
If I clear this alert and attempt to enter the master password, I am greeted with 1PW's Key File missing message.
Has the 1PW Anywhere function not been updated to work with differently named keychains stored in other locations?
Note that 1PW Anywhere works fine for the 2nd vault if I access it directly from my local Dropbox folder in Safari with Disable Local File Restrictions checked. The problem seems to only occur when accessing it from the Dropbox website itself.
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Hi Megan,
Any updates on this issue? I think I'm experiencing the same thing :/
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Hi Lodewijk,
Unfortunately, I don't have many details for you here. Our tech gurus are investigating, and we think we know what might be causing this, but that's all I can really say at this time. I hope we'll have something more definitive soon!
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I am having similar issues. I have tried logging in through the dropbox html file, as suggested. When loading the html, I see a dialog box: "A problem occurred when loading the "https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Family Files/***** Family.agilekeychain/data/default/encryptionKeys.js" file."
After clicking ok, the screen says a key data file could not be loaded. I'm running 1Password 4.1.1 on both machines.
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What browser are you trying to use? Its likely the browsers security settings may be affecting you.
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Hi, @punintended.
I've merged your post and @thightower's reply into a similar topic about this 1PasswordAnywhere issue. Please refer to @Megan's replies for the status on it.
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Just for fun try renaming the vault to "1Password.agilekeychain" and see if that makes a difference. I could have sworn that the magic juice that Dropbox is using to help 1PasswordAnywhere function relies on the data being named exactly that.
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You'd probably want to disable any Dropbox syncing to the keychain in 1Password before renaming it. :)
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Interesting. Just for fun, I tried renaming my Shared.agilekeychain to 1Password.agilekeychain. I left it in the 1PWShared folder I had created in DB to isolate it from the primary keychain. That did the trick and 1PW Anywhere worked just fine. Now I'll have to think about renaming it permanently and then making that change on the 3 macs using that keychain, since the fix from your end sounds like it will require getting Dropbox folks involved.
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Google Chrome. Though, since you asked, I tried Safari also - it throws the same dialog box, then the key data file error.
Then I tried the rename bit...that seems to have done it.
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Yes, thanks to @khad! It can be made to work; however, it's not a particularly trivial process to set up a secondary vault where the associated .agilekeychain sync file on Dropbox has the name of 1Password.agilekeychain rather than the default (secondary vault name).agilekeychain. 1Password doesn't provide an option to name the vault and the associated keychain separately, so the steps I took were:
create the secondary vault with a temporary name
sync it to DB in its own separate folder (to keep it clearly separate from the Primary Vault 1Password.agilekeychain)
delete the vault in 1PW
rename the now orphaned tempname.agilekeychain in DB to 1Password.agilekeychain
double clicked the renamed 1Password.agilekeychain to create a new secondary vault in 1PW
selected the name & color I wanted for the secondary vault.I then had to repeat the 3rd, 5th & 6th steps for 1Password on any other mac.
NOTE that I did this with the Agilebits Store version and have no idea whether it would also work for the Mac App Store version. Also, like any other secondary vault, it won't sync to iOS versions. Hopefully having 2 1Password.agilekeychain files in separate folders won't get the iOS versions tangled up.
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Hi @oshloel,
I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to you here but we have been a bit overwhelmed since the launch of 1Password 4 for Mac. We're all working hard and putting in extra hours to get back to our usual snappy responses and we really appreciate your patience.
Thanks for providing the steps you took to get this working. I'm hoping that you haven't had any tanglements with your iOS versions. I'll be sure to pass this information along to our developers to see what can be done to make this a simpler process in the future. :)