Manually adding item to web form details for a login

Community Member

Is it possible to manually add an item to the web form details to a login? If yes, how?

For example, add a checkbox to check/uncheck the webpage login form checkbox for "Remember me" or "Keep me signed in" or the like.



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @duelist77,

    At this point you can only edit existing web form details and not add new ones. If you would like to include a checkbox for the "Remember Me" option, I suggest manually saving a new Login item like this: and be sure to check the "Remember Me" box before going to the 'Save new Login' step.

    Let me know how it goes. :)

  • Unknown
    edited December 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @AndrewParker,

    I'm glad you're able to enjoy the best of both worlds there! Hopefully this feature will make it into 1Password 4 as well :)

  • p4x4n
    Community Member

    Please make it possible to add custom Form fields. For instance, AWS IAM login form now has a new checkbox that reveals extra 2-factor auth field if checked. I was trying to add this checkbox item and, to my dismay, discovered that 1Pv4 lacks this ability unlike 1Pv3.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @p4x4n,

    Thanks for adding your feedback here, I'll be sure to add your vote to the feature request.

    In the meantime, if a Login has changed, the easiest way to get it behaving, including adding checkboxes, is to manually save a new copy of the Login like so:

    • Edit the login that you currently have for this website by appending an "Old" to the title - just so you can tell them apart.
    • Visit the site and fill in the fields you want filled. Do NOT click the login button.
    • Click the 1Password extension, and unlock it if necessary
    • Click the gear icon (or vault icon if multiple vaults are enabled) in the upper right corner.
    • Select Save new login.
    • Give the entry a unique and identifiable title.
    • Click Save.
    • Revisit the site and see if 1Password fills in the site (and the checkbox) correctly.

    If that doesn't work, I'd be happy to check into the site - please send us the URL so we can do some testing :)

  • Alpha_Nexus
    Community Member

    I also would like to suggest that this feature be in future versions. There are some sites that uses javascript modals for logins where 1password doesn't detect and I have to add my own login, it would be nice to be able to add a form field for these.
    I also have the same problem with AWS IAM logins and 1Password doesn't detect the form submit so I recreate an entry.

    To duplicate:
    1. Register with AWS and enable MFA logins for the account.
    2. visit your unique login url, something like
    3. Fill in the details and submit.

    1Password should ask me if I want to save the password, but it doesn't show up.

    I'm on OSX 10.9.2 with latest version of Chrome and 1Password 4.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Alpha_Nexus,

    Thanks for your vote and feedback on being able to add web form fields, too. Changes like that are more possible with the new 1Password mini details view reusing the same view code from the main app.

    The issue with 1Password not prompting for autosave with the AWS login is a different one. Which version of the 1Password extension for Chrome are you using?

  • skoch
    Community Member

    Agreed, we need to be able to add additional fields to 'Web form details'. AWS has, as indicated, changed their login for the console necessitating the need to add a new field (and/or it should prompt to save or update the already existing entry.)


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @skoch,

    Your interest in this has been noted. :)

    Which web browser(s), and versions of 1Password and extensions, are you using?

  • blalor
    Community Member

    I definitely want this feature, as well. The AWS console page recently changed and 1Password isn't doing the right thing. Updating the existing login also doesn't work. Creating a new entry does work, but there's a lot of extra data I have in that entry that I have to copy over manually. And I have several of these logins. :-(

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @blalor,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble updating Logins right now. I'm happy to add your vote to the feature request.


  • Hi all.

    +1 on that.
    AWS sign ins has become a pain.
    Oddly, saving a new login doesn't do it either (not even prompting).


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    I've registered your vote for this, @ralovely.

    Are you unable to manually save a new AWS Login item that works correctly?

  • rctneil
    Community Member

    +10,000 for this. PLEASE!

  • jvoorhis
    Community Member

    This issue is killing me. After years of using LastPass, I'm finally trying out 1Password, and disabling auto-login and fumbling around with IAM logins (and other sites where 1Password incorrectly interprets fields like "account") cripples the app.

  • Jasper
    edited May 2014

    Hi @jvoorhis,

    I'm able to successfully fill AWS and IAM logins by saving a new login manually:

    Saving a new Login manually

    (Like @1Password mentioned on Twitter.)

    For some websites, you need to save a login like this, so the extension is able to "learn" the fields on the login page.

  • elsamiro
    Community Member

    +1 for me. i cannot create new logins with custom checkboxes since upgrading from v3 to v4.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @elsamiro‌

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with Logins in 1Password 4. Have you tried following @JasperP's steps above to save a new Login manually? This is a great way to help 1Password learn the fields that it needs to fill and often solves problems like this. :)

    If there are certain Logins that are giving you trouble, feel free to share the URLs with us so that we can do some testing and see if we can't get it working.

    That all being said, I'm happy to add your vote to the feature request for the ability to add web form details.

  • waveman68
    Community Member

    +1 Please add me to the count of people requesting its return. @JasperP's suggestion did not help.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Your +1 for this has been counted, @waveman68 - thanks!

    I'm sorry you couldn't get @JasperP's suggestion to work. Are you having trouble with filling on an AWS or IAM login page, or some other one(s)? Which version of the 1Password extension are you using now, and which web browser?

  • bruinbits
    Community Member
    edited June 2014


    I'm the family admin for ~15 installs including OSX, Windows, iOS and Android. I'm personally on OSX most of the time and just upgraded from 1p3 to 1p4. I must say I'm extremely disappointed in what I think is a fairly straightforward loss of functionality. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the change, but I historically stored all the data I give to a website in reasonably well structured key=>value pairs in the Login object of 1p3, regardless of weather that information was relevant to the login itself or not. Upon upgrading my computer to version 4 I find what used to be generic pairs now exist (via some autoconversion) as proper 2-tuples under the heading "web form details". I see what seems to be a new feature (yey) whereby one can create "Sections" for various sets of 2-tuples. These seem like real 2-tuples instead of 1p3 pairs since it also seems one can control the order (also yey!). Sadly I don't like that the default import was to a special Section (I'm calling "web form details" a special Section) that is by-default hidden behind a mouseclick (I navigate 100% keyboard when possible) and is a particularly rigid set where users cannot edit the 2-tuples. I'm happy to separate web-form-login related items into the special Section and to keep all my other info in a different one, I just would have hoped the default wasn't to assume every piece of data belongs in the more-restricted special case Section.

    Overall I feel like 1p4 is a good step forward I'm just adding my two cents.

    FWIW I only use the application itself. I have "mini" turned off. I have no plugins or extensions for any browsers, nor do I want them.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for your +15, @bruinbits, along with the detailed explanation for that multi-vote. :)

    I'm glad you're liking version 4 and your feedback is appreciated!

    Using the main 1Password application requires the background mini helper process to be running, but it sounds like you've disabled at least Show mini app icon in the menu bar and maybe Always keep 1Password mini running, too. The latter only applies when the main app isn't running.

  • DingoBlue
    Community Member

    +1 please.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Sure thing, @DingoBlue. Your +1's been counted. :)

  • Platypus70
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    +1 please, plus the option to allow permanently showing web form details without the need to reveal them through a mouse click.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the plus one and plus option request, @Platypus70. :)

    At times I've wished show web form details could remain temporarily persistent while browsing between multiple items in the main app and opening anchored mini windows for item comparisons.

  • ethan
    Community Member


    It works pretty well on 1Password3, but fails on v4.
    While some forms require more then one password fields, it will mostly fail on v4.

    Sine you cannot create custom field directly from "web form details",
    you have to save a new login manually to get all fields from certain form
    then change the field type from show web detail and test auto fill until one actually work.

    but still it didn't work on every site, I do have some success and some fails.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2014

    Your vote and explanation for this have been duly and dually noted, @ethan -- thanks! :)

    @JasperP posted a workaround for adding web form fields that may be helpful in certain cases.

  • matt9
    Community Member


    This is something I really miss coming from LastPass

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for your interest-vote, @matt9. :)

This discussion has been closed.