Cannot Install Google Chrome Extenesion
Seems to be intermittent clicking the button again on my end resulted in a successful install on the 3rd attempt.
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Oh, I have many more than 3 attempts. I've tried to install it maybe 100 times since 1Password 4 came out. No useful erro message, so nothing I can even trouble shoot.
02-Dec-13 7:47:57.068 AM Google Chrome Helper[90273]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. : LSXPCClient.cp #426 ___ZN26LSClientToServerConnection21setupServerConnectionEiPK14__CFDictionary_block_invoke() 02-Dec-13 7:47:57.068 AM Google Chrome Helper[90273]: Process unable to create connection because the sandbox denied the right to lookup and so this process cannot talk to launchservicesd. 02-Dec-13 7:47:57.074 AM Google Chrome Helper[90273]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "" (1100) 02-Dec-13 7:47:57.089 AM Google Chrome Helper[90274]: Internals of CFAllocator not known; out-of-memory failures via CFAllocator will not result in termination.
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That link installed the 1Password 3 extension, which screwed everything up. However, I was able to find the 1P4 version on the Chrome store, and that installed without an issue.
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