1Password 4 can't be opened because it wasn't download from the Mac App Store [Gatekeeper issue]

Community Member
edited December 2013 in Mac

Just imported all my apps, docs, life history etc onto new Mavericks iMac. 1PW4.0.9 tells me there is an update available but this won't validate. When I download 4.1.1 direct from website and try to run I get the "can't be opened....." message. I didn't download or purchase from the Mac App Store. How can I get around this irritating message and actually install the update?


  • boom
    Community Member

    OK, just worked it out - security prefs!

  • MartyS
    Community Member

    Awesome, @boom! Mac sandbox rules and GateKeeper…, um, "rules!" ;)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Glad you figured it out, @boom.

    It's similar this issue with the 1P4 updater:

    Validation Failed on upgrade? [confirmed, Gatekeeper issue]

  • lock
    Community Member

    Hi guys, I was directed here from your Twitter account. I've the same issue, can't validate the automatic update.
    Now I'm going to download it manually but, just for reference, I downloaded the report tool, and it seems I can't run it as it says "cannot start because 1P wasn't purchased from the Mac App Store". I've bought it directly on your website. Any other version of the tool?

  • lock
    Community Member
    edited December 2013

    Update: also the 4.1.1 update (the one on website and the link here) don't start. Same message: "not purchased in Mac App Store".
    What can I do?

  • lock
    Community Member
    edited December 2013

    Last update: All Mavericks fault! :)

    It was enough to check this option in OS X security preferences:

    (sorry for italian localization, it's the one that allows Mac App Store and certified developers)

    Now everything works, even the auto update. Darn Mavericks and its confusing alert messages. :)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @lock.

    As you've discovered, Gatekeeper can interfere with updating and running the website version of 1Password 4.

    Here are a couple related articles:

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