pattern matching in 'website' link
I am a web developer. We use gmail accounts for a lot of things, consequently, I have upwards of 20.
When I go to 'login' to gmail, I always have to sort through my list of gmail passwords.. annoying.
I was noticing that the gmail links, which are long and complex, do include information about the specific account.. example:
So.. I was thinking.. wouldn't it be just GRAND if I could add a 'website' url - which 1P4 allows you to have multiple ones.. awesome.. but, if I could add a pattern:**
Then, 1P4 would hopefully default to 'the right' one!!
Would that be COOL or what!
Thanks for the suggestion! This is certainly something we can take into consideration for the future. I can't make any promises at this stage, but it does sound like a helpful feature, especially in the example you provided (FWIW, I have the same problem, with multiple Google accounts).