Feature Request: Hide Notes field content ... or maybe someone has a diff. solution for me...?
Wondering if there can be a Hidden feature for the Notes Field?
Many websites like to ask things like Where Were You Born and other harder questions a spouse might not know or remember. i've been putting answers in the Notes field.
Or maybe there's a way to ***** them out already...?
Or a different solution other users might have thought of?
Have you tried adding a new field and a corresponding label in the area called "Section"? Once you add a new field, you can click the down arrow off to the right and change the field type from "Text" to ""Password" to hide its contents.
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by changing it to Password, it won't try to fill in a designated password field on a web page will it?
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No, @SteveSalt, the fields of any "extra" section(s) are for your use only — not for automated form filling. Once saved with an item you copy the values and paste them into any web site form as they are needed.