Mhm... Bug or Feature ... unexpected backups almost daily

Community Member
edited February 2014 in Mac

I apologize if this is a really stupid question or if this question has been raised before.

I am running 1Password 4 on a Mac (Mavericks), IPad and IPhone (both IOS 6). Keychain is updating nearly every day since quite a while without having created or modified any entry.

Is this expected behavior or anything wrong with my setup or keychain? Thanks for your support


  • Hi @pabarino

    To answer this question I'd need some additional information. Could you please let me know where you are looking that indicates the keychain is being updated daily?

    Please let me know.


  • pabarino
    Community Member

    Hi Ben,
    this is a message I get from osx notification centre. Once update is completed I get that message.

  • Frank,

    What exactly is the message, please?



  • pabarino
    Community Member

    it's German and says:

    "Sicherung abgeschlossen. 1Password hat eine neue Sicherungsdatei erstellt."

    Backup completed. 1Password has created a new backup file.


  • Frank,

    This message is unrelated to Dropbox syncing. It indicates that 1Password has completed its routine backup process to your hard drive (not to Dropbox).



  • pabarino
    Community Member

    okay, thanks. So this is normal. I was assuming that a backup will be done only if entries are modified.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @pabarino.

    1Password 4 for Mac does a backup, approximately daily, when it detects the database has changed. Maybe something is changing on your iPad and/or iPhone that's syncing with your Mac and triggering the backups.

  • pabarino
    Community Member

    Hi, yes, but it should be only me to create or modify any entry on any of my devices and I do this clearly not as often as a new backup file is created. I assume that it is not possible to check what the new backup triggered?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pabarino,

    If you select your All Items category in the sidebar, then sort by Date Modified, do you see any recently modified items in the item list?

    I'll let you know when I've found out if anything can possibly be triggering backups other than specific user-initated actions like changing items or passwords, adding/deleting vaults, etc.

This discussion has been closed.