1password remains unlocked

Community Member

1password remains unlocked even after closing my macbook and opening it the next day. All the "automatic lock" options in the settings are ticked.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dhag99,

    We've had at a few similar reports of intermittently discovering 1Password unlocked when expecting it to be locked, here and here. I've also noticed it, although not recently.

    Does this happen consistently and repeatedly for you? Which versions of 1Password and OS X are you running?

  • dhag99
    Community Member

    Consistently - I don't know exactly. Repeatedly, definitely.
    I run 10.9.1 and 4.1.2 on my MB.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the followup answers, @dhag99.

    Next time you discover 1Password unexpected unlocked again please send us a Diagnostics Report as soon as possible, along with a link to this topic, to support+forum at agilebits dot com. A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful. It'll provide additional information to determine what's causing this.

    When you've been finding 1P4 unlocked when it should be locked is it by opening the main app, 1P mini, or using the extension?

    Thanks in advance!

  • dhag99
    Community Member

    I've sent the report just now. I opened the main app (which was locked previously), changed a password entry. As expected, the app remained unlocked for quite a while so I created the diagnostics report for you.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dhag99,

    We've received your email report, thanks for sending that along to us! We'll follow up directly via email so that we don't get things muddled up between here and there :)

This discussion has been closed.