"Failed to unlock. Cannot load keychain profile." after reinstallation.

Community Member

Had two versions of 1Password on my system. This was a result of the "Buy 1Password now." message back in January. I thought I had somehow not paid for 1Password so I bought it - again. Paid and downloaded it from the AgileBits store. Turns out I already had the AppStore version, but that's the one that wen't on the fritz. I only just worked this all out, after I finally noticed that I had TWO versions of 1password on my mac, so I deleted both of them and then reinstalled the one from the AppStore.

Am now having identical symptoms to: http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/21593/failed-to-unlock-cannot-load-keychain-profile

Have also followed Megan's advice for the above entry and tried to open the 1Password.html from my Dropbox 1Password.agilekeychain folder. Also, just like the above entry, there's no 1Password.html file.

iPhone 1Password is working just fine from the same keychain file.

Would you like a diagnostic report?



  • Jasper
    edited March 2014

    Hi @ironsignbob,

    First, please ensure that you are syncing to the correct Agile Keychain in Dropbox. Some users end up with a second, unused keychain, so just double check that your Mac is using the same one as your iPhone is.

    If that and restarting your system doesn't resolve it then, yes, please do send us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with a link to this topic, to support+forum at agilebits dot com. A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the report would also be helpful. Thanks in advance!

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