Logging in to www.mymedicare.gov with 1Password 4



  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    We're on the same page with this, @hawkmoth. :D

  • Samtheman67
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    That is the screen I get on a manual log in. You have to hit ok and it takes you to your account. When I log in with 1Password 4 it never goes to that screen. It bypasses and goes to a link for mymedicare.com. That is the second screen shot picture I posted. It just zooms past this screen and you have to click ok to get to your account. You never see this screen unless you manual log in.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Samtheman67,

    When you manually log in and it works okay, are you first using 1Password to fill the Username and Password fields on the https://mymedicare.gov page, then clicking the Sign In button?

    Or are you manually entering the Username and Password?

    I appreciate your time and patience while we go through this step-by-step to isolate and fix the problem.

  • Samtheman67
    Community Member

    I am manually entering username and password to get to the screen to hit ok to log into my account.
    If I use 1 password it fills in the user name and password and zips all the way to the second screen shot I posted earlier. I never get a chance to hit sign on the secure sign in screen. The screen that you are seeing is the screen that 1password bypasses. If it would stop on that screen and let me hit ok then it would log me into the account.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for that information, @Samtheman67.

    The next thing to do is edit the Login item that you've been using with the https://mymedicare.gov page and change its submit setting to Never submit. Something like this:

    After saving the change, try using that Login item with 1Password on the https://mymedicare.gov page, see if it fills the Username and Password fields with your personal data, and lets you click the Sign In button to manually submit and continue.

    I hope that will help. Please let me know how it goes. :)

  • Samtheman67
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    Bingo the man won a prize. Works fine. Thanks for all the help. Now onward and upward to fine new problems. Got quite a few more site to get in
    1Password 4. ^:)^

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    That's great you've got it working now, @Samtheman67.

    Have fun adding more sites to 1Password. :)

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