WiFi synch causes conflicts which don't clear up on iPhone after fixing on Mac

Community Member

I just updated a bunch of passwords on my Mac using 1P 4.2.2. I was horrified to see that ALL of them resulted in conflicts when I synched to my iPhone which is running 4.3.2. On the Mac all I had to do was delete the conflict fields (though finding them was no fun: a search for Conflict didn't turn up anything). I saved all changes and synched again (several times), but my iPhone still shows all those records with conflict fields. Thus my iPhone database no longer matches my Mac database.

How do I fix this? And how do I prevent it from happening in the future?

I am horrified at how flakey the synch is and I sure hope you can make it more robust. Meanwhile I'm glad I made the updates on my Mac, where I can easily edit. What if I had made the changes on my phone and all the good data was there? I hate to even think about it.


  • mikegs1
    Community Member

    Looking for the same answer - lots of posts come close but no answer. I'm on 1P 4.2.2 on the Mac, 4.3.2 on iPad and iPhone. 1Password works with all logins on all 3 devices but the visible old password under conflicts is a bother.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rowen and @mikegs‌1

    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with Wi-Fi sync. If your Mac has the up-to-date data, let's just clean out your iOS devices and start fresh:

    • On your iOS device, go to Settings > Advanced > Erase Data
    • Restart your iOS device
    • Do a fresh Wi-Fi sync.

    I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions!

  • An easier way to find conflicts is to use Search Options:

  • rowen
    Community Member

    I synched to an iPad (using the same Mac database) and it was exactly the same story: every changed password ended up with conflict fields on both sides. Clearing the conflicts on the Mac (the same ones as last time) and synching again left the conflict fields on the iPad but not the Mac. None of those records had been touched on the iPad; the conflicts were completely unnecessary.

    Yes I can clear the data on the i-devices and start over, but I'd have been totally screwed if I'd made any password changes on the i-devices.

    This is a serious bug. I hope you have logged it and have it in the queue to fix.

    This has been a long-term theme: 1P works really well except for synchronization. I hope you will consider an overhaul of synchronization (e.g. saving more metadata with each record so you can more reliably determine if it was changed, and if so, on on which end).

  • rowen
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    As a happier followup: thanks for the search tip for finding conflicts. I saved a smart search based on it, which is very helpful. I fixed the conflicts on the Mac again (including some that I've fixed 3-4 times already plus a few others I had not previously known about) and synched again. This resulted in some of the conflicts returning on the Mac again. I fixed them again and synched again. This time the conflicts did not reappear and when I looked on my iPhone I didn't find them there, either. I then went through the same process on the iPad.

    I think there are a few bugs here:

    • Change a password on the Mac will cause conflicts to appear when wifi synching to i-devices even though there should be no conflict (I only ever read data on my i-devices). This seems quite repeatable, which is more than I'll say for the next few (I prefer not to test unless it is needed):
    • After fixing those conflicts on the Mac they reappearing after synching again.
    • Also I'm pretty sure after one synch I had conflicts on my iPhone but not my Mac, indicating the data had temporarily diverged.
    • After I deleted all data on my iPhone in an earlier attempt to clean up this mess, when I went back to 1P to start a wifi synch I found it trying to synch the non-existent data with iCloud synch. I don't know how that got turned on; it wasn't enabled before I deleted the data.

    My setup includes:

    • File synch between my home and work Macs (via a portable drive)
    • Wifi synch between my home Mac and several home devices
    • Wifi synch between my work Mac OR (less frequently) home Mac and my iPhone
    • No other synch enabled
  • mikegs1
    Community Member

    Hi Megan - we went backwards. I followed your instructions and now none of the passwords on either iOS device or my Mac are working. Next steps?

  • mikegs1
    Community Member

    And another interesting note - I have tried deleting the data off the iPad twice now. When you log in again you see a splash message "checking iCloud" and a synch starts, aparently to iCloud that needs to be stopped by turning off iCoud synch which seems to be turned on by default. Why? I had iCloud turned off before deleting data. The reason for going to 4.2.2 was for WiFi synch. How would 1Password know my iCloud credentials?

  • mikegs1
    Community Member

    In case anyone lands on this post and would like to se my resolution...

    As you can see above I moved to 1P 4.2.2 for WiFi synch. I was using DropBox. WiFi failed and I ended up with three devices running 1P, Mac on 4.2.2, iPhone and iPad on whatever the latest version is on the App Store, none of which seemed to have working password files. Conflicts on every login. I decided to start over. The following is the process taken from three different support posts in the order that worked for me.

    Validate there is only one iCloud account in use between the devices.

    On the iOS devices:
    Uninstall 1Password.
    Go into Storage and Backup - Manage - delete iPassword data in iCloud.
    Reboot iOS devices.

    On the Mac:
    Went into 1Password - run File - Backup in the main 1Password application, then disable iCloud syncing with the Delete data from iCloud option enabled.
    Restart the Mac and then delete all conflicts and create new password for all logins.
    Enable iCloud synching on the Mac and wait 5 minutes.

    Back to iOS devices:
    Ensure Documents and Data is on and 1Password is showing in the Manage Storage pane. (Must prove iCloud has the data from the Mac?)
    Install 1Password and follow prompts. Splash Screen showed “Checking iCloud" for a few seconds. Logged in - went straight to synching to see what service was synching, only iCloud as I had hoped. Within seconds iOS had 16 login items. Within 20 seconds the balance of the logins came in.

    Hope this helps.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rowen,

    I sincerely apologize for the difficulty you have had getting things synced up. Our developers have made some improvements to sync to reduce the occurrence of conflicts, and you should see an update soon that has things behaving a lot better.

    Please let me know how things sync up after the update - if you're still seeing conflicts created we'll investigate further!

    Hi @mikegs1‌

    Thanks for providing such detailed feedback on your steps to get things sorted out! I apologize for the trouble, but I'm glad to hear that iCloud is working for you - your steps are precisely what I would have suggested. :)

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