Listing all https logins vs http logins

Community Member

Given the recent heartbleed issues, I was wondering if there's a way to filter my "logins" to show me https sites (without http sites). Does anybody have any idea how to do this?

I tried using Smart Folders that have URL set to "starts with" "https", but I think 1Pw ignores the beginning of the URL completely when searching.




  • jochenneese
    Community Member

    I wanted to find out which of my 148 login records within 1P are https:// logins in order to decide which of those critical enough to change the password following the heartbleed SSL problem.

    If I create a new smart folder with a rule like "URL starts with https" then the result is zero. The problem here is that 1P displays login URLs as "" without the https:// prefix. Internally of course 1P knows that it's an https URL, since if I copy the URL to a text editor the https:// prefix is present.

    So it seems to me that the bug lives within the matching routine for URLs.

    Please advise what else could be done to quickly get a list of all https logins. Thanks!

  • Hi @sparker and @jochenneese,

    I've merged your similar discussions together.

    There is no way to search the URI scheme (http, https, ftp, etc.) at the moment. We've already got an improvement request for this filed in our tracker, and I will add your feedback to it as well. :)

This discussion has been closed.