1Password (4.1.2) Backup

Community Member

I'm trying to make a CrashPlan-like backup on my private cloud (Transporter).

I'd like to know which files should be backed so that they can be retrieved in case of complete loss or destruction of my Mac.



  • Jasper
    edited April 2014

    Hi @titkos,

    For the Mac App Store version of 1Password, your data is stored in a SQLite database located here:


    And 1Password's automatic backups are stored here:


    So, if you backup the entire ~/Library/ folder (or at least the ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/ folder), you should be set! :)

  • titkos
    Community Member
    edited April 2014


    I'm using ChronoSync.
    I tried to backup: ~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper/
    But ChronoSync warns me there are plenty of errors when copying the mentioned folder.
    Just one example: into this folder/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist
    ChronoSync says it doesn't exist or can't copy it. And so forth for some other files...

    @Admin: Is there a way to be notified by email when I get a reply to my posts? I tried to check "Notify me when people write on my wall". Is that enough?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2014

    Hi @titkos,

    Have you opened a ticket with Econ Technologies about the trouble ChronoSync is having with backing up that 1Password data folder?

    Support Ticket Checklist | Open A Support Ticket | Econ Technologies

    Is ChronoSync able to successfully back up other folders under ~/Library/Containers?

    Is there a way to be notified by email when I get a reply to my posts?

    These are the Notification Preferences you might want to adjust for that:

    The Notify me when people comment on my bookmarked discussions option applies to topic bookmarking. To (un)bookmark a specific topic, click the star at the top of its page next to the gear and just above the POST A REPLY button. It'll be yellow when it's bookmarked:

    When unbookmarked, it's just an uncolored outline:

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