Using 1password in other (desktop) applications
Hi Guys, I realise that this question may have been asked in a number of different ways previously but is/would it be possible to use 1password mini to send usernames and passwords to the current application in focus by simulating key presses? A possible scenario would be an SSH application but it could apply to pretty much anything I guess. You initiate the connection in the application and once the login process/dialog has started you could click on the appropriate entry in 1password mini and then it could send the username, wait a second and then send the password. The wait might be necessary if the host is busy and the password prompt does not appear immediately. For other apps it might be nice to be able to insert a TAB (or a number of TABs) instead of the wait so as to simulate moving between the user name and password fields in a login dialog. I can also think of a scenario whereby the username might have been saved or pre-filled in the application so only the password would need to be sent. So might just need for us to be able to specify these things (delay, number of tabs, send password only) when setting up the login connection in 1password. Big job thinking about it - but thought I would mention it anyway!
Hi @mediasys,
Thanks for the suggestion, we are always exploring ways to enhance 1Password, and love hearing what our users want. I agree - having 1Password fill into other applications would be fantastic :) While we can't directly discuss our future plans, I have noted down your request and we will look into it!