1PasswordAnywhere and iCloud

Community Member
edited May 2014 in Mac

I love having 1PasswordAnywhere but when the new support for iCloud came out, I switched all my devices to use that. For the most part, it has worked well. However, it means that 1PasswordAnywhere is gone!

I would love to see the ability to keep that in sync, possibly by designating a folder for it to sync to locally on the Mac or in Dropbox. I understand not syncing all the data to more then one place, but having that file to copy off to a USB drive or keep in Dropbox would be helpful.



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @designerbrent‌

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write in with your feedback here! Unfortunately, 1PasswordAnywhere is a web interface that works via the Dropbox website. At this time, there's just no way to integrate it with iCloud in a similar fashion. Our developers are looking into ways to improve this feature and I'd be happy to pass along your thoughts. :)

  • jafish
    Community Member

    I'm a bit confused by this response, because I thought that 1Password Anywhere was simple an HTML file that you could put anywhere (hence the name) and had nothing to do with Dropbox. I also use iCloud to sync and was attempting to setup something like this where I could automatically sync my 1Password Anywhere data to my flash drive whenever I plug it in.

  • Jasper
    edited May 2014

    Hi @jafish,

    You're correct, 1PasswordAnywhere is simply an HTML file (1Password.html). I guess there's no technical reason why we couldn't include the HTML file in your iCloud keychain, but there's no way to access it via iCloud. You would need to copy the keychain from iCloud and put it elsewhere, such as a USB drive (though you do run into some local file restrictions using a USB drive).

    With that said, iCloud sync uses our new Cloud Keychain/opvault format, while Dropbox sync currently uses our old Agile Keychain format. The current version of 1PasswordAnywhere is designed for the Agile Keychain format, and doesn't work with Cloud Keychain/opvault. Therefore, 1PasswordAnywhere doesn't work with iCloud sync.

    Once we start using the new opvault for Dropbox sync, 1PasswordAnywhere will need to updated to take advantage of 1Password 4's data changes (along with updating the interface). However, I don't know when this might happen. It is on our list to do, but that is all I can say for now.

    If you'd like to create an Agile Keychain file (which will include 1PasswordAnywhere), you can disable iCloud sync and enable folder sync temporarily. Just keep in mind that you would need to do this process every time you want to sync changes to 1PasswordAnywhere.

  • designerbrent
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    Thanks for the responses, @JasperP, @Megan and @jafish.

    I've realized that for now, the only way to get it is via the method @JasperP‌ describes, and yes, it has many limitations.

    Would be nice, if in the mean time, 1Password offered a way of generating the 1PasswordAnywhere file independent of the Dropbox sync, like via the export menu.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the suggestion, @designerbrent.

    An alternative is to create a new vault, copy items to it, and configure Folder or Dropbox sync to create an Agile Keychain for it that's usable with 1PasswordAnywhere.

  • Russell Crosswy
    Russell Crosswy
    Community Member

    Would there be value in having a feature that created a 1PasswordAnywhere compatible vault on request in the app as @designerbrent‌ mentions? I like the 1PasswordAnywhere feature for creating my critical thumb/flash drive backups. These thumb drives contain my 1Password and Knox vaults. 1PasswordAnywhere gave me the capability to be able to access that data on any computer. With the new format of the vault when using iCloud sync it doesn't seem to be usable with just any computer and I would need a Mac with 1Password to restore the data. Maybe this is an opportunity to create a feature in 1Password that would create 1PasswordAnywhere compatible vaults for a thumb/flash drive backup?

    My backup strategy might be flawed, but I have several of these drives in trusted locations and go-bags in case of a large disaster. I live in Northern Alabama and ran into this issue when getting ready for some nasty storms that were coming through and producing tornadoes. I'll go with creating a vault for this use case that is only folder synced so that it is in the Agile keychain format, but that will entail some manual intervention every now and then to make sure the items copied over are up to date.

  • Jasper
    edited May 2014

    Hi Russell,

    Like I said above:

    With that said, iCloud sync uses our new Cloud Keychain/opvault format, while Dropbox sync currently uses our old Agile Keychain format. The current version of 1PasswordAnywhere is designed for the Agile Keychain format, and doesn't work with Cloud Keychain/opvault. Therefore, 1PasswordAnywhere doesn't work with iCloud sync.

    Once we start using the new opvault for Dropbox sync, 1PasswordAnywhere will need to updated to take advantage of 1Password 4's data changes (along with updating the interface). However, I don't know when this might happen. It is on our list to do, but that is all I can say for now.

    1PasswordAnywhere isn't compatible with our new data format at the moment.

    Currently, if you'd like to create an Agile Keychain file (which will include 1PasswordAnywhere), you can disable iCloud sync and enable folder sync temporarily. You would need to do this process every time you want to sync changes to 1PasswordAnywhere. Though, an "export to 1PasswordAnywhere" feature would also need to be a manual process.

  • tanc00
    Community Member

    A feature where the vault can be accessed online would be extremely useful. I find myself missing this feature from Lastpass.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tanc00, and welcome to the forum!

    Thanks for letting us know you'd like online access to 1Password vaults, presumably something more than using 1PasswordAnywhere through Dropbox.

This discussion has been closed.