Problem with Web Browsers Extensions
I've been having problems with getting the latest version of 1Password to work nicely on my Macbook running 10.9.3. Every time I try to access 1 Password from within a browser I'm greeted with a '(null) Vault' message - whether it be Safari or Chrome. The main application and the mini version in the menu bar seem to be fine. Strangely, my iMac running the same has no such issues.
The version of the software is:
Version 4.4 (440001)
Mac App Store
I've sent a diagnostic report via email.
Thanks for sending that Report in. It will be easier to sort this out after looking at that Report, so we'll keep this conversation going directly via email.
Now, I took a quick look in our system, but I was unable to find an email from the address you attached to your forum account. If you could send me a private message with the address that you used to send in the Report, I'd be happy to track it down and ensure that it gets answered quickly. :)